  • 學位論文


Nonverbal Communication Skills in Young Children with Autism

指導教授 : 譚偉象 姜忠信


摘 要 自閉症為一具有溝通及社會性缺陷,並伴隨特殊行為、興趣的廣泛性發展障礙。探討自閉症心理病理學的假說中,相互注意協調能力缺陷假說在80年代逐漸受到重視,其認為自閉症患者在早期非語言溝通能力的發展上,相互注意協調能力為其特定的缺陷,且影響後續語言發展;然而,有研究指出自閉症患者其他非語言溝通能力(如要求能力、社會互動能力)亦有發展遲緩或偏差的情形。本研究希望能夠在結構情境下,使用配對比較法,較系統地瞭解自閉症患者早期非語言溝通能力的發展。 本研究分為研究一與研究二。研究一主要目的在探討平均生理年齡42個月以下的自閉症幼兒與心理年齡配對之發展遲緩、大正常幼兒,以及另一組年齡更小之小正常幼兒在三種不同功能的非語言溝通能力(相互注意協調能力、要求能力、社會互動能力)的差異。研究二主要目的在探討各組幼兒早期非語言溝通能力與後續語言發展之關係。 研究一以早期社會溝通量表(ESCS)選取幼兒三種不同功能之溝通行為,除分析各組幼兒溝通行為次數的差異外,並嘗試分析各組幼兒溝通行為所佔比例的差異;研究受試包括自閉症幼兒23名、發展遲緩幼兒23名、大正常幼兒22名,小正常幼兒22名,共計90名。研究二使用學齡前兒童語言障礙評量表、修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗兩種語言量表,追蹤研究一受試一年後的語文智商、接受性語言及表達性語言能力,以分析早期非語言溝通能力與後續語言發展的相關性;研究受試包括自閉症幼兒8名、發展遲緩幼兒8名、小正常幼兒11名,大正常幼兒12名,共39名。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、 自閉症幼兒非語言溝通能力與其他受試之比較 (1) 溝通行為次數:自閉症幼兒主動、回應相互注意協調能力行為次數顯著少於發展遲緩、正常幼兒;主動要求行為次數顯著少於正常幼兒;主動社會互動行為次數顯著少於發展遲緩幼兒。 (2) 溝通行為比例:自閉症幼兒在所有溝通行為中,相互注意協調能力所佔比例顯著低於發展遲緩、正常幼兒;要求能力所佔比例顯著高於發展遲緩幼兒。社會互動能力所佔比例顯著低於發展遲緩幼兒。 二、早期非語言溝通能力與後續語言發展的關係 (1) 自閉症幼兒回應相互注意協調能力與語文智商呈負相關;發展遲緩幼兒回應要求能力與接受性語言呈正相關;小正常幼兒主動相互注意協調能力與接受性語言呈正相關;大正常幼兒主動社會互動能力與表達性語言呈負相關。 本文最後,筆者進一步依本研究結果討論自閉症相互注意協調能力缺陷假說的後續研究方向,以及本研究的優、缺點,在臨床實務的應用方向。


Abstract Recent data suggest that disturbance in the development of joint attention skills is a specific characteristic of young autistic children. However, some studies indicated that autistic children also have developmental disturbance in other nonverbal communication skills This research had two main goals. The first one was using Early Social Communication Scale (ESCS) to examine the nonverbal communication production and comprehension skills of 23 under 42-month-old autistic children by comparing MA-matched developmental-delayed and normal children. The other goal was to examine the relation between early nonverbal communication skills and language skills one year later. The results indicated: (1) Autistic children had significantly fewer joint attention behaviors than developmental-delayed and normal children. Also, Autistic children had significantly fewer requesting behaviors than normal children, and had significantly fewer social interaction behaviors than developmental-delayed children. (2) Autistic children had significantly lower proportion of joint attention behaviors in all communicational behaviors than developmental-delayed and normal children, and had significantly higher proportion of requesting behaviors in all communication behaviors than developmental-delayed children. (3) 14-month-old normal children had significantly fewer pointing behaviors of joint attention than 19-month-old normal children. (4) There was a significant relation between early nonverbal communication skills and subsequent language skills. Thus, the results of this research suggest that young autistic children not only have a deficit in joint attention but also in social interaction. The results also suggest that there are some kinds of relations between early nonverbal communication skills and subsequent language skills, but those relations need more research to clarify. The implications of these findings for further research on autism are discussed.


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