  • 學位論文


Integrated new product (developing period) production and distribution supply chain strategy

指導教授 : 黃惠民


近年來,由於全球化經濟發展,科技不斷的進步使得電子產業市場需求急速攀升,電子產品的需求型態漸漸趨向於輕巧攜帶方便,使得桌上型與筆記型電腦的價差也日益縮小,因此筆記型電腦有取代桌上型電腦之趨勢,各筆記型電腦產業為了拓展市場佔有率,產業對於供應鏈整合也逐漸重視,希望達到上、下游企業夥伴關係雙贏的最佳經營政策,以不再如過去只是企業與企業間的競爭,而是供應鏈與供應鏈間的競爭,故供應鏈管理為一門值得研究的課題。 因此,本研究以整體供應鏈成本最小化為考量,主要在探討單一與多配銷中心兩情況下四階供應鏈中相關存貨策略的整合問題,並嘗試分別針對上述情況提出個別上下游整合模式。此外,利用動態規劃模式推導方法並以數學軟體及程式語言來配合,求解出最佳生產策略以及最佳配送策略。之後透過數值範例的敏感度分析來了解各決策目標對存貨的相關影響程度,有助於企業作流程改造的依據指標。 結論發現,本論文提出的整合模式能有效控制訂購成本與持有成本,降低供應鏈系統存貨上的資金積壓;而採購及運輸作業對於整合成本具有高度影響層面,將是未來在流程整合上改善重點;而產品檢驗作業由分析得知屬於中度影響層面,故針對產品檢驗相關作業加以改善,期望達到高品質、低成本之雙贏目標。


Due to the global economic growth in recent years, and the speedy progress in science and technology, the demand for electronic products has increased. The main electronic product in this decade is the computer. The success of computer industry depends on effective management of inventory in the supply chain. This is the area of this study. The research discusses a single distributor and multi-distributor four-echelon integrated supply chain inventory model, and seeks to minimize the total cost of the whole supply chain. The dynamic programming method and mathematics software are used to derive simultaneously the best production strategy for the manufacturers, and the best transportation strategy for the distributor. Sensitive analysis is carried out to study the influence of the inventory strategy on the performance of the supply chain. We can conclude that by effectively controlling the order cost and the holding cost, our model can reduce the integrated inventory cost of the supply chain. Sensitive analysis show that the purchasing and transportation cost have great influence on the total cost.


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