  • 學位論文


Critical Success Factors of Technology Incubators: A Case Study

指導教授 : 謝龍發博士


台灣今日之高科技產業產值如想成倍數成長,則更需具創新能力,同時也製造較多的就業機會,是以企圖營造一個有利科技創新環境,最直接方式就是成立創新育成中心。但個人觀察在諸多育成中心的成立運作迄今,並非每個皆績效卓著,顯見仍有部分需深入探討與改進之處。 本研究提出影響科技育成中心關鍵成功因素的理論架構,透過具有代表性之國內三家公民營創新育成中心的個案訪談及資料分析,結果顯示影響科技育成中心經營的顯著關鍵成功之十大因素中所獲結論如下 : 一、計畫時程、政策與程序(特質、背景),成功率的預見能力,企業家的培訓、廠商的篩選過程等四大項目,本研究發現這些是三家創新育成中心「同質性」發展的重點,所獲得「成功」等級差異亦有不同而已。 二、提供財務與融資、商業專門知識及內部的資源服務等三大因素對育成中經營績效之影響較弱。 三、「新創公司的網路」、「與大學保持密切關係」及「社區團體的支持」等三大項對育成中心經營成功績效的影響不顯著。


Abstract The production value of high-tech industry is growing in times which provides more job opportunity and makes the needs of innovative ability much more urgent. The most direct manner for building a benefit technological new environment is to establish innovation-nurturing center. However, according to my observation, since the beginning of operation of many nurturing center, not all of them have excellent performance, which means there is lot to be studied and improved. This research provides theoretical structure of that affect the key success factors of technological nurture center through the case study of 3 private and public innovation nurturing centers , interview and data analysis. The results indicated that among the top-10 factors significantly affect the success of technological nurturing center are: 1. The 4 items, Plan Time Frame, Policy and Procedure ( characteristics and background), Predicting Ability of Probability of Success, Training of Entrepreneurs and Selection Process of Firms are the key points of homogeneous development of the 3 innovation nurturing centers and there are differences in the success they have obtained. 2. Providing financial support, commercial special knowledge and internal resource services are the 3 items that have rather little influence over the operation performance of nurturing centers. 3. Network of New Company, Close Connection with University and Community Support have insignificant effects on the success of nurturing center. Abstract The production value of high-tech industry is growing in times which provides more job opportunity and makes the needs of innovative ability much more urgent. The most direct manner for building a benefit technological new environment is to establish innovation-nurturing center. However, according to my observation, since the beginning of operation of many nurturing center, not all of them have excellent performance, which means there is lot to be studied and improved. This research provides theoretical structure of that affect the key success factors of technological nurture center through the case study of 3 private and public innovation nurturing centers , interview and data analysis. The results indicated that among the top-10 factors significantly affect the success of technological nurturing center are: 1. The 4 items, Plan Time Frame, Policy and Procedure ( characteristics and background), Predicting Ability of Probability of Success, Training of Entrepreneurs and Selection Process of Firms are the key points of homogeneous development of the 3 innovation nurturing centers and there are differences in the success they have obtained. 2. Providing financial support, commercial special knowledge and internal resource services are the 3 items that have rather little influence over the operation performance of nurturing centers. 3. Network of New Company, Close Connection with University and Community Support have insignificant effects on the success of nurturing center. Abstract The production value of high-tech industry is growing in times which provides more job opportunity and makes the needs of innovative ability much more urgent. The most direct manner for building a benefit technological new environment is to establish innovation-nurturing center. However, according to my observation, since the beginning of operation of many nurturing center, not all of them have excellent performance, which means there is lot to be studied and improved. This research provides theoretical structure of that affect the key success factors of technological nurture center through the case study of 3 private and public innovation nurturing centers , interview and data analysis. The results indicated that among the top-10 factors significantly affect the success of technological nurturing center are: 1. The 4 items, Plan Time Frame, Policy and Procedure ( characteristics and background), Predicting Ability of Probability of Success, Training of Entrepreneurs and Selection Process of Firms are the key points of homogeneous development of the 3 innovation nurturing centers and there are differences in the success they have obtained. 2. Providing financial support, commercial special knowledge and internal resource services are the 3 items that have rather little influence over the operation performance of nurturing centers. 3. Network of New Company, Close Connection with University and Community Support have insignificant effects on the success of nurturing center.




吳亮德(2008)。政府科技研究機構經營策略探討 -以某科技研發機構為例-〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200800060
