  • 學位論文


A Research on Key Factors of Implementing Knowledge Management System(KMS)in National Defence R&D Organization for The Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


論文摘要 國防科研機構在當前兩岸關係與世界局勢環境中,為求創新與效率,建構知識管理系統是必要的,過程中若能掌握建構知識管理系統關鍵因素,對其組織任務及研發目標均有相當的助益,並達成「國防自主、全民國防」既定之國防政策與目標。 國防科技研發機構的發展與成果,攸關國家安全更牽動國家經濟與工業之發展,這是本研究選定國防科研機構為對象的理由。 本研究根據國內、外各專家學者之理論基礎、相關理論文件、專業級顧問專家,將評估建構管理系統的關鍵因素,分為「策略構面」、「人員構面」、「流程構面」、「科技構面」等四個構面,再經由深度訪談與研究者在中科院之工作經驗,將各構面下之變數增修訂為各10個,共40個重要變數。再以此重要變數為問卷設計的主要內容,問卷對象以國防科研機構—中山科學研究院之各部門二級副主管以上人員及部分三級主管,共發出200份,回收64份,回收率為32﹪ 問卷回收後利用主成分法(Principal Components Factoring)作為萃取因素的根據,並以最大變異轉軸法(Varimax Rotation)對因素進行旋轉,以期所萃取之因素更容易被解釋,並將變數之共通性下限定為0.45,如低於0.45 即為干擾變數。在因素個數選取方面,係根據Kaiser 準則萃選出特徵值(Eigenvalue)大於1 的因素。至於因素解釋部分,乃依據因素負荷量(factor loading)高於0.45 的變數對因素命名。結果策略構面十個變數濃縮或簡化成「激勵及參與」、「願景與組織」、「系統整合加值」等三個構面因素,人員構面十個變數濃縮或簡化成「團隊能力訓練」與「主管能力風格」等二個構面因素,流程構面十個變數濃縮或簡化成「標準作業流程」與「特定專案流程」等二個構面因素,科技構面十個變數濃縮或簡化成「系統科技整合」一個構面因素。 本研究結果發現構面因素與間構面因素間均顯著相關;「人員構面」、「流程構面」、「科技構面」對部門均無顯著差異,唯「策略構面」對部門有顯著差異,其平均值以非研發部門較高;策略因素「激勵及參與」、「願景與組織」二因素對部門有顯著差異,其平均值均以非研發部門較高;餘策略因素「系統整合加值」、人員因素之「團隊能力訓練」與「主管能力風格」、流程因素之「標準作業流程」與「特定專案流程」、科技因素之「系統科技整合」等六個因素對部門均無顯著差異。 本研究旨在對國防科研機構於建構知識管理系統時,提供重要關鍵因素的建議,使其易於掌握關鍵因素以達事半功倍之效益,同時建議政府主管機關亦能考量重要關鍵因素以作整體規劃。本文之貢獻乃是能提供給國防研發機構在投入有限資源之前提下,做最有效的分配與配套,以增加建構知識管理系統的成功率。


Abstract In light of recent world politics as well as the evolving China-Taiwan relation, it is imperative to implement a knowledge management system for the purpose of innovation and efficiency. Along the process of implementation, it is beneficial to identify the key factors of the system in order to fulfill organizational goals and research targets. Further, the identification of key factors is instrumental in achieving national defense policies and aims, in particular the autonomy of national defense and is will also help accomplish national defense policy and aims, i.e, the autonomy and mobility of defense units. Given that national-defense technology plays a determining role in advancing national security as well as the economic and industrial development of the nation, this paper has chosen the national defense research and development departments in the Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) as the subject of research and analysis. Based on the expertise of world-wide national-defense theorists and studies on related documents, this paper evaluates the key factors of knowledge management system and its four dimensions: implementation strategy, personnel training, system procedures, and science and technology. Aided by the researchers at the CSIST, each of the dimensions is expanded to include ten variables, amounting to a total of forty variables. Furthermore, a questionnaire centered on the selected variables has been sent to a number of middle-level managers as well as deputy managers or higher-rank of the departments at the defense departments of CSIST. Among the two-hundred questionnaires sent, sixty-four were returned and confirmed to be valid; the response rate was thirty-two percent. To analyze the questionnaire results, this paper has employed the combined methods of Principal Components Factoring, which help identify and explain the factors contributing to the diversity of the results. In addition, a set of analysis criteria has been established: the lower limit of variable similarity has been set to 0.45; values below 0.45 are defined as distortion or outliers. Factors containing an Eigenvalue greater than one, in accordance with Kaiser’s criteria, has been distinguished. In terms of factor analysis, factor names are given based on variables with a factor loading higher than 0.45. In summary, the ten variables pertaining to defense implementation strategy have been sorted into the following three categories: encouragement and participation, vision and organization, and system integration. The ten variables in personnel training have been condensed to teamwork and management style. System procedures, which also has ten variables, have been sub-categorized into standard operation procedures and specific project procedures. The ten variables in the technological dimension are collectively named system technology integration. The research finds marked correlation between the original dimension factors and the sub-categorized factors. Three original dimension factors—personnel training, system procedures, and technology--yield negligible impact on surveyed departments. However, the implementation strategy dimension showed significant impact, with higher average values falling in non-research departments. The “encouragement and participation” as well as “vision and organization” factors in the implementation strategy dimension also demonstrate considerable influence, and again, with non-research departments yielding higher average values. The remaining six sub-categorized factors--system integration in the implementation strategy dimension, teamwork and management style in the personnel training dimension, standard operation procedures and specific project procedures in the system procedures dimension, and system technology integration in the technology dimension--have generated limited influence. It is the primary goal of this paper to offer recommendations to national defense research institutions so that they can better identify key factors in implementing a knowledge management system. In addition, this paper also suggests the government to consider important factors in its national defense planning. The contribution of this paper is that it provides an advice to national defense research and development institutions on the development and implementation of the knowledge management system in order to maximize the cost-benefit ratio and increase the rate of success of the system.


洪明洲譯(民89),James Brain Quinn, Jordan J. Baruch and Karen


