  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Integrating Information Technology into Cooperative Learning in Sixth-Grade Mathematics Class.

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究目的旨在探討資訊科技融入國小六年級數學合作學習實施現況。研究者在國小六年級教室情境中,應用合作學習於數學教學,並從課程內涵中適切地融入資訊科技,來探索與瞭解學生的學習成就與學習態度的改變,以及教師面臨的困境,並紀錄行動歷程以提供教師們參考。     本研究採行動研究法,於九十三學年度第二學期實施(自九十四年二月至六月止),針對任教班級的三十五名六年級學生,實施為期十七週數學課程;資料來源包括數學學習成就測驗、數學學習成就與態度問卷、觀察紀錄表、教學錄影、晤談與學習心得表等;本研究以質性探討為主,資料分析採Patton(1990)建議的步驟,將彙整原始資料加以組織、分類與編輯成為資料檔,其後依研究問題與發現的類型進行歸納為重要目錄,從中進行深入分析。研究結果發現:     一、 以資訊科技融入數學合作學習的教學脈絡下,國小六年級學生自覺數學成績有進步。   二、 資訊科技融入數學合作學習能協助不同程度學生的學習。   三、 在資訊科技融入數學合作學習的教學脈絡下,對國小六年級學生數學學習態度有正向提升。   四、 教師在實施課程的行動歷程中,透過準備、活動、省思的過程,有助於提升教師在數學教學與資訊技能上的成長。     不過,有些仍是後續研究者需克服的問題,如資訊融入數學合作學習所需的硬體設備與適當的教學軟體,學生因社經背景導致的數位學習落差等。研究者透過研究省思階段,提昇了個人的合作教學技巧和行動研究能力,也累積了資訊應用在數學教學的經驗。本研究歷程可供後續實施「資訊融融入數學合作學習」教學者參考,以進行其他相關概念之研究。


The aim of this study is to explore the current practices of integrating information technology into cooperative learning in sixth-grade mathematics class. A researcher used cooperative learning as mathematics teaching strategy and adequately applied information technology into math curriculum to explore and understand the changes of students’ learning processes and achievements, and the straits of the teacher. This is a documentary research for teacher reference that recorded entire project development and process. The method of this study is based on action research. The subjects of research are 35 students at the sixth-grade in the class of the researcher, and are applied 17 weeks from February to June of the second semester in school year 2004. The data resources come from achievement testing, mathematics achievement and attitude questionnaire, observations and note-taking, video-taping of the teaching, interviews and feedback forms of students, etc. For this Qualitative Research, the procedure of data analysis is adopting Patton’s (1990) suggestion to collect raw data. The goal is to induce index dictionary from the process of organization, categorization, and compilation according to the research question and detection. The results of this research are: 1. The process of integrating information technology into cooperative learning as teaching strategy to construct mathematics curriculum, are helpful to student self-consciously get ahead. 2. Integrating information technology into cooperative learning for mathematics teaching can help different level students. 3. The process of teaching strategy is a positive improvement for students on their learning of mathematics attitude. 4. During the action process of the education, teachers would gain much growth on mathematics curriculum and Information Literacy through the process of plan, action and introspection. However, something must be overcome. First, integrating information technology into cooperating learning for math teaching have enough hardware and adaptively teaching software. Second, the Digital Divide maybe bring students to lose their learning chance. Through this action research, the researcher improved teaching skill and research ability, had accumulated the experience of integrating information technology into math teaching. According to the results of this research, some suggestions about integrating information technology into cooperative learning for mathematics class and further studies are proposed.




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