  • 學位論文

桃園縣國小低年級教師建構式 數學教學信念之研究

A Study of Lower Grades Teachers’ Beliefs about Constructivist Instructionin Mathematics Teaching in Elementary Schools of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究旨在了解桃園縣國小低年級教師建構式數學教學信念之現況,並進一步探討不同個人背景變項和環境變項的國小低年級教師在建構式數學教學信念上之差異。本研究以桃園縣國小低年級教師243人為研究對象,並編製「國民小學教師教學狀況調查表」進行問卷調查,再以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法加以分析研究結果,本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 國小低年級教師建構式數學教學信念之「知識與學習觀」、「師生角色觀」、「教學歷程觀」、「教學評鑑觀」及「整體教學信念」等層面均偏向建構觀。 二、 不同年齡和教學年資的國小低年級教師,在建構式數學教學信念上有顯著差異。不同年齡之國小低年級教師在建構式數學教學信念的「師生角色觀」、「教學歷程觀」及「整體教學信念」等層面上有顯著差異,在「師生角色觀」的信念上,41~50歲的教師比21~30歲及31~40歲之教師更偏向建構觀,在「教學歷程觀」以及「整體的教學信念」上,41~50歲的教師比21~30歲之教師更偏向建構觀;而不同教學年資之國小低年級教師在建構式數學教學信念的「知識與學習觀」、「師生角色觀」、「教學歷程觀」、「教學評鑑觀」及「整體教學信念」等層面上皆有顯著差異,在「知識與學習觀」中,年資21年以上的教師比年資五年以下初任教師更偏向於建構觀,在「師生角色觀」、「教學評鑑觀」及「整體敎學信念」中,年資在21年以上的教師較年資在6年~10年及5年以下教師更偏向於建構觀,同時年資在11年~20年的教師也比年資在5年以下教師更趨近於建構觀,而在「教學歷程觀」中,則是年資11年~20年及 21年以上的教師比年資在5年以下的教師趨近建構觀。 三、 任教於不同班級人數和地區的國小低年級教師,在建構式數學教學信念上有顯著差異。不同班級人數之國小低年級教師在建構式數學教學信念的「知識與學習觀」及「整體教學信念」等層面上有顯著差異,任教班級人數在31人以上的教師比班級人數為21-30人的教師更偏向於建構觀;不同任教地區之國小低年級教師在建構式數學教學信念的「教學歷程觀」有顯著差異,城市地區教師比鄉鎮地區老師更偏向於建構觀。 最後研究者根據本研究之結論,分別對教育行政機關、學校行政人員與教師,以及未來之研究提出建議。


The purposes of this study were (1) to investigate lower grades elementary school teachers’ teaching beliefs of constructivism in mathematics; (2) to examine the differences between lower grades elementary school teachers’ teaching beliefs of constructivism in mathematics based on different background variables. The samples were 243 lower grades teachers randomly selected from elementary schools in Taoyuan County. A researcher designed questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data was analyzed by using t-test, one way ANOVA and descriptive statistics methods. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The lower grades elementary school teachers’ beliefs of constructivism tended to follow the constructivist approach to mathematics teaching. 2. It was found “age” and “year of teaching experience” will affect teachers’ beliefs about constructivism in mathematics teaching. Teachers whose age range between 41 and 50 seemed to have a more constructivism view of teaching mathematics than other teachers. Teachers with more than 21 years of teaching experience seemed to have a more constructivism view of teaching mathematics than other teachers. 3. It was found “student number in class” and “school area” will affect teachers’ beliefs about constructivism in mathematics teaching. Teachers who teach in big size classes (more than 31 students in one class) seemed to have a more constructivism view of teaching mathematics than those in middle size classes (21 to 30 students in one class). Teachers who teach in urban area seemed to hold more constructivism view of teaching mathematics than those in suburbs. Based on the research results, suggestions were proposed for the ministry and bureaus of education in Taiwan, teachers and future researchers.


莊淑琴 (2002)。國小教師數學教學信念之研究。台東師院學報,13(上),201- 232。


