  • 學位論文

專業教育與職業生涯選擇關係之研究 ─以中原大學室內設計系畢業生為例─

A Study of the Relationship between Professional Education and Career Path determination----An Example of the Interior Design Department at Chung Yuan Christian University

指導教授 : 莊修田


摘要 台灣的室內設計自1960年代開始發展,由於經濟發展迅速,更推升發展的速度,時至今日,將居家或商業的室內空間做一設計規劃早已是人們普遍且能充分接受的觀念。室內設計系畢業生在面對瞬息萬變的全球化競爭當中,還有哪些專業能力是不足的?對於受過四年完整室內設計專業教育的大學畢業生而言,其工作生涯發展是否如當初預期?其中是否存在著差距?本研究旨在調查國內第一個成立的室內設計科系─中原大學室內設計系,藉由散佈在設計界各角落,總數已多達數百人之畢業生,透過問卷調查、以SPSS統計軟體進行資料分析,同時輔以深入訪談及相關文獻回顧相互映證,進一步釐清、檢視畢業生的專業能力及相關就業、發展、所學所用,並對學界教育與實務界之間的落差狀況進行了解,並提出相關教學建議,本研究所得之結論如下: (1)室內設計專業教育與實務之間所產生之落差對於畢業生職業選擇影響並不大。 (2) 離開室內設計工作者多因室內設計工作工時長、作息不定等特性或個人志趣不符,受學校專業教育影響不大。 (3) 學用配合狀況則多數已畢業之受訪者認為,學校所教授的設計觀念及理念是足夠的,但在實務操作上落差甚大。 (4) 不論在職者或已轉行受訪者大多數均認為增加寒、暑假實習及加強實務課程內容,將對日後就業有所幫助。 (5) 影響受訪者在日後專業領域表現最深的是:教師的言行、身教與專業敬業的態度。 關鍵字:室內設計、職業生涯選擇、專業教育、專業能力


Abstract The interior design in Taiwan has burgeoned since early 1960s, when the booming economy of Taiwan expedited its growth and made it blossom. Up to now, interior decoration of private dwelling places and business space becomes a necessity and its importance is generally recognized. For those students graduating from interior design departments, what are the competences and capabilities they need but they are not yet fully equipped with when facing the fierce competition of a globalized and ever-changing world? Are their career lives in step with their initial expectation after they received a complete four-year professional training in interior design? Does there exist any discrepancy? This objective of this thesis is to explore the situation of those hundreds of graduates of the Interior Design Department at Chung Yuan Christian University, the first such department to be established in Taiwan, by means of the SPSS statistic analysis of the questionnaires coupled with face-to-face interviews of some of the graduates, as well as a review of related literature in order to elucidate the employment status of the graduate students, their career plans, and the application of what they learn to what they are working on etc. It also explores if there exits any discrepancy between what is taught in the classrooms and what is actually being applied in their professional lives in the hope of coming up with some constructive suggestions. The conclusion of this research is stated as below; 1. Although there is a discrepancy between the professional education they received in college and the competences they needed for practical interior design projects, this discrepancy exerts little effect on those interior design graduates in their career lives. 2. For those graduates who chose to quit the interior design industry, the main reasons are mostly attributed to long working hours, irregular working schedules, or lack of interest or personal devotion. The effect of the professional education they received in college is actually not quite significant. 3. Regarding the discrepancy between interior design courses offered at school and the competency actually needed in professional lives, most of the graduates believe that theories and designing concepts taught at school are sufficient, but there is indeed a large gap between those courses and the interior design projects they tackle on a daily basis. 4. No matter the graduates choose to stay in this industry or transfer to other industries, they all believe that it will benefit their career lives quite a lot by adding in on-the-job training during summer and winter vacations and taking some courses on practical design projects. 5. Among the most important factors that exert a far-reaching influence on the students in their future careers are the teachers’ characters, what they had said and done to the students, and their devotion to their teaching jobs. Key words: interior design, career determination, professional education, competency.


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