  • 學位論文


Designing the Healthcare System Based on Petri Net

指導教授 : 賀嘉生


隨著健康照護意識的抬頭以及資訊網路科技不斷地進步,照護的形態漸漸由傳統的居家照護轉變成遠距照護和行動照護,藉由照護和資訊科技相互合作,讓照護人員執行照護需求時能更加不受時間空間的限制,使整個照護流程更加資訊化更加有效率。 本論文提出的遠距健康照護系統的架構是由派翠網路模型建立而成,派翠網路模型的優點在於能夠清楚明白照護資源和照護需求在各個狀態間轉換的過程及條件,運用在照護狀態及照護需求上更能讓照護人員清楚明白因為什麼理由而進行照護。當然,在遠距照護的流程中,第一項需要參考的資料為被照護者的身體健康狀態,因此遠距檢測功能也是非常重要的,而所謂的遠距檢測需要使用檢測儀器並且利用網路的功能將檢測的資料傳到伺服器端進行分析和儲存,伺服器端利用平均數管理圖的概念來分析每一次的檢測紀錄,並使用Westgard多規則品管的方式來設計照護規則庫,照護人員再依據規則庫選擇出的照護規則進行對應的照護動作。將整個健康照護的概念設計成應用於遠距照護和行動照護上,並且提供給實際照護單位使用,提升其照護的效能及品質。


Because of the healthcare idea is more prevalent and the internet technology is more advantageous, the traditional homecare is replaced by tele-healthcare and mobile healthcare in order to decrease space and time cost. The structure of the tele-healthcare system in this paper is built according to the Petri nets modules. The advantage of using the Petri nets modules is clearly realizing the process that resources transform between the state and another state and bringing more efficiency for care providers. Users have physical examinations utilizing medical measurement instruments provided by this system. Those measurement results are stored in the database. Then, the system will decide the alarm state according to measurement records and provide appropriate care actions by Westgard multi-rules. This system has be used by care organizations at present and brings them better care efficiency.


Healthcare Homecare Petri net Rule-based Telemedicine


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