  • 學位論文

生產管理實務與系統對經營績效之影響 - 以推-拉式觀點探討

The influence of production management practices and systems on business performance - from the perspective of the push-pull production systems

指導教授 : 黃惠民 楊錦洲


摘要 面對全球競爭環境與邊際利潤日益衰退的窘境,企業勢必要經由改善服務品質與速度、增加反應的彈性與快速回應的能力來滿足顧客多變的需求,創造顧客的忠誠度。企業可以思考透過適當的外包策略、重新設計作業流程等等,來調整其生產管理系統。因此,生產管理系統的應用、供應鏈管理與外包策略等相關議題,成為當今企業提昇競爭力的重要課題。 本研究打破傳統僅強調推式或拉式生產管理系統的概念,結合「流程」與「時間」價值的觀念再造企業流程,思考將傳統MRP生產管理結合精實生產系統,以增進彈性管理的功效,作為企業主要製造流程的核心,建構一個適合本國產業應用參考的「推-拉式生產管理概念模型」。其設計是以顧客需求驅動流程,以逆向物流模式思考,探討應用推拉式生產系統在整合價值鏈上的管理模式,並以此模型為架構發展問卷進行實證研究,了解台灣企業實施推式/拉式生產系統、供應商管理、生產管理技術、相關的資訊系統、管理系統以及解決問題的應用的狀況;並據以驗證推式、拉式與混合推-拉式生產系統績效的差異,探討企業提升經營績效的關鍵成功因素與關鍵績效指標,作為企業經營的參考,期望幫助企業在進行整體的體質改善時,能有一個客觀而有效的經營績效提升的管理概念模型可供參考與應用,以創造好的整體績效表現,使企業能持續獲利、永續經營。 本研究建議企業應針對本身企業特性,以提升顧客滿意度為思考主軸出發,規劃適當的混合推拉生產模式。此外,要同時顧及結果性與前瞻性指標,努力提升經營績效結果,並做好彈性生產管理與供應商管理的實施工作;並善用「生產與管理的技術/系統」,再配合好的流程設計與流程管理模式,才能真正提升顧客滿意度。企業設法藉由做好供應鏈管理提升營運績效以增進顧客滿意度時,也應重視與供應商共存共榮的本質,考量實質利益因素,所有合作都應該建立在雙方共同最高利益的基礎上,加強彼此互惠的工作。


Abstract Rapid globalization, booming internet security technology and electronic commerce result in a changing and more challenging business environment. Under this circumstance, flexibility and adaptation become increasingly important. In order to gain competitive advantage over their competitors, organisations must possess be flexible, creative and innovative to adapt and response to the changing external environment. This study develops a conceptual model: hybrid push-pull Customer Output Process Integrated System (COPIS) with hybrid push-pull strategic. We seeks to investigate the performance of a Taiwanese production management system based this model. We will investigate the outcome and critical success factors of the enterprise. The COPIS conceptual model can give managerial insights to enterprises to achieve their objectives as well as improve customer relationship. Through an appropriate process design, the Taiwanese enterprise is able to control critical factors and performance indices to maintain flexibility and robustness. The hybrid pull-push processes design can result in better performance. We suggest enterprises should design and plan their process well based on the characteristic of business, and the nature of pull processing design, one-piece flow design and load leveling system. The critical indicators of customer satisfaction include measurable evidence to prove a planned effort has achieved the desired result. A satisfied supplier can coordinate supply chain using advanced methods. It will advance the customer relationship. So enterprises should attach importance to respect and cooperate with suppliers in pursuing good customer service and other issues of supplier management.


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