  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on the Career Transition of Retired Military Officer

指導教授 : 丁姵元


國軍組織因應國家戰略調整,在不需要眾多兵源充實戰力的前提下。『精簡』成為改造國軍組織的必然方法。但精簡的過程中,原服務於國軍各階層的志願役軍官,多數是自青少年期即進入軍中的退役軍官,對軍隊組織的運作模式與文化已成為其生活中的一部份,相對於多元社會就顯得較為陌生,回流社會職場時,在適應上須面對較多的困境。依行政院主計處資料顯示,退役軍人與一般社會大眾失業率達6倍的差距。而實際經由退輔會輔導就業人數,僅佔49歲以下退役軍人人數的23%,顯見仍有多數的青壯退役軍官,必須依靠個人自行摸索陌生的職場。若未能在社會中謀得一份適合的工作,實為社會的負擔與損失。 從研究結果發現,多數的退役軍官選擇退役,主要是國軍組織精簡後,期盼追求更好的家庭生活與生涯成就的心理影響下,而放棄了原本穩定且已奠定基礎的軍旅生涯。雖然退役後的職涯發展,充滿許多不確定性,但退役軍官仍單純的認為,藉由職業訓練與輔導習得一技之長,就能在競爭激烈的職場取得一席之地。然而在實際的轉換歷程中,退役軍官逐漸發現,努力學習的專長或証照,無法成為獲得理想工作的保証,即使幸運覓得工作,但在職場環境中,由於年齡較同階共事者為長、背景也不同,致退役軍官不容易融入共事的群體中,也由於過去習於領導者的角色,一旦轉換被領導者,在角色的轉換上,也影響其在工作上的適應。也因為退役軍官長期於軍隊中歷練,不自覺的以過去的習性面對新的工作與環境,但這樣的工作習性卻不易獲得社會職場的認同,更影響退役軍官在職場的適應與績效表現。在面對職場諸多困境的同時,過去的軍職歷練,如服從命令、高度執行力、適度的應對進退、規劃、分配、督導的能力,也塑造出職場一般人所欠缺的特質,此一特質也讓退役軍官在職場競爭中的具備優勢與機會。面對這些職場上適應的困境與軍人的特質,也形成正、反向的拉力,不斷影響退役軍官生涯轉換的過程。然退役時盼望兼顧家庭生活與追求個人成就的理想是否能夠實現,在生涯轉換歷程中正、反向拉力的牽扯下,如何面對就益顯重要。若退役軍官能抛開過去包袱、放下身段面對現實,藉由心態的改變克服適應上障礙發揮軍人特質,成為退役軍官未來生涯發展的一個重要轉折,也是本研究的重要發現。


Recently, the Armed Forces organization has been through a serious of changes under the guideline of new national strategy and the premise of need no more troops. Downsizing has become an inevitable policy to reform military organization. In the process of reducing military organization size, most of the volunteer officers who served military from juvenile are used to the military operation models and cultures. That kind of volunteer officers would suffer from diverse and unfamiliar environment and would face more difficulties when they retire from the army and come back to society. According to information from Controller Division, Executive Yuan, unemployment rate of retired military personnel is high. Only 23% of those military-retired personnel who get their job through the counseling and help from Veterans Affairs Commission are under the age of 49. It’s obvious that there are numerous of middle age retired officers who have to explore the unknown career field depend on their own. And it is really a great burden and loss to society since these people cannot find suitable jobs. The result of this study shows that the reasons of most volunteer officer choose to stop their military career are to seek better life and second-career achievement. Though there are many uncertain factors after military career, most retired officers thought it was not difficult to find good jobs as long as they receive enough training and counseling. However, in the process of transition, retired officers gradually noticed that the training and experience they have can not guarantee to an ideal job. Even if they could get a job, they still found it difficult to blend into new work environment with colleagues due to different age and background. Another reason which influence their job-adaptation process is that most of them were leaders in the army. Since they have no experience outside the army, they have to start from the bottom of their work place. In other words, they have to be followers instead of being leaders like they used to do. Finally, they suffer from the problem of role transition. Moreover, retired officers served military for a long time, they are used to face new work and new environment with passive attitudes unconsciously. But these attitudes would not be accepted in the civilian society. This is another reason of their poor performance and adaptation. On the other hand, they also have advantages in working. While facing difficulties in the new environment, the attributes and experiences valued in the military like obedience, ability of executing, planning, distributing, supervising and moderate manners become their advantages and opportunities. In summary, the problems and advantages the retired officers form become two kinds of forces which pull them forward and backward unceasingly and affect their process of their career transition. The data from the research shows that the key factor of whether can they handle well under dilemma during the process is the attitude they have when facing the situation. In other words, if retired officers are willing to throw the past away, adjust their attitude to face the fact that they have to start from the scratch, bend their pride and esteem to work and start from nothing, it would help them to go through the career transition period. In other words, one of the most discovery of this research is that the right attitude has become an important factor which could help them to adapt their new jobs in the civilian society.


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