  • 學位論文


An Case Study of How Language School Teachers Enhance Self-Esteem of ementary School Students to Facilitate English Learning

指導教授 : 徐文正


摘 要 在今日的台灣英語教育環境中,英美語補習班佔有相當重要的地位與影響力,但是相關研究絕大多數都是以學校為主要研究環境或對象,另外,在我的教學與學習經驗中發現學生的”自尊”與學習的成效有密切關聯。因此,本研究以個案研究方式探討美語補習班老師如何提升國小學生的自尊,以增進學生的英文學習成效。其中包含些什麼成功的以及不妥當的方式,策略,技巧,言談等內容。並且討論這些成功的美語補習班老師對於英語學習與學生自尊的想法及信念。 本研究共訪談了三位資深美語補習班老師與他們的學生互動成功以及失敗的例子。並且在課堂中觀察他們與學生的互動。這三位老師的主管以及看過他們上課的同事也是訪談的對象,他們的意見能夠加深並且更客觀的來豐富研究者的觀察以及這些老師是如何來提升學生的自尊與英語學習。本研究結果發現如下: 這些老師都非常同意讚美對於提升自尊的果效,並且提到關鍵秘訣在於讚美時機的掌控,語調態度以及在怎樣的環境中,比如:同儕及家長面前的讚美更有加倍的效果。另外家長的支持與否,公平性等相關議題,畢馬龍自我實現預言的效益以及個別差異等,對於一個老師在與學生自尊互動時有決定性重要的影響。總結來說,學生,家長,美語老師,以及未來的研究者可以考量本研究的發現作為實務上的參考。


ABSTRACT To date, language schools and cram schools occupy the English educational environment in Taiwan; few studies, however, have been conducted in this setting. Besides, self-esteem has been found to be related to students’ learning success. This study, thus, aims to investigate how “successful” language school teachers enhance their learners’ self-esteem to facilitate better English learning, to identify or categorize the strategies or methods the teachers employ, and to study the beliefs and thoughts of the teachers when they are interacting with their learners. To these aims, three teachers in a selected English language institute were interviewed about some cases and observed their teaching and interacting with their learners. Moreover, the teachers’ supervisor, and colleagues who had observed their teaching were also interviewed to triangulate perspectives of the three teachers’ and the researcher’s observation. The interview contents were analyzed via the Narrative Analysis method. Findings showed that the teachers all emphasized the good control of praise timing, tone and the occasions or conditions where the praises are provided. The teachers also claimed that parents’ supports, fair issues, Pygmalion Effect and individual differences are keys to enhancing learners’ self-esteem and their English learning. The results offered implications for English teachers in their daily practice as well as for parents.


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