  • 學位論文

運用層級分析法評估價值溪流圖之改善優先性- 以某紙業公司為例

Applying AHP for Evaluation of Improving Priority of VSM- An Example of Paper Company

指導教授 : 江瑞清


本研究有鑒於實務上之管理人員,其往往缺乏可以正確且有效率的判斷生產現場之改善點之能力,導致花費心力、時間,但改善績效卻不如預期,對公司及現場單位都造成負擔。因此本研究結合價值溪流圖與層級分析法,進而建構出層級式價值流評估流程(Hierarchical Value Stream Evaluation Process, HVSEP),利用具邏輯系統的科學工具,協助使用者評估改善點之優先性。經由實際個案的驗證,以此評估流程進行改善點選定,個案之人均產能平均提升10.64%,證明確實具有可行性及效益。


According to the managers in manufacturing fields who is lack of the capability for evaluating the priority of improving points directly and efficiently. It causes the wastes of strengths and time, but the results are not as good as prediction. In this study, we integrate the value stream mapping and analytic hierarchy process to construct the “Hierarchical Value Stream Evaluation Process, HVSEP”. This scientific tool with logical system could assist the user to evaluate the priority of improving points. The productivity per people increased 10.64% after importing HVSEP. It proves that the HVSEP is feasible and effective by verification of real case.


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