  • 學位論文


Analyzing Employee Acceptance for Organizational Change by Leaders Characteristics and Promotion Strategy in C Company.

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


「組織變革」是企業面對環境變化常採用的因應策略與手段,但企業要進行組織變革,勢將引發員工抗拒、抵制等層出不窮的勞資爭議與衝突,而員工的認知與心態是牽動著對變革接受的程度,成為直接影響變革成敗的關鍵因素。因此本研究關注於員工變革接受度的影響條件,分別從領導者特質與變革推動策略探討其中的關係。 本研究經由文獻探討,歸納出領導者的特質「遠見型」、「指導型」、「親和型」、「民主型」、「表率型」、「權威型」六項,及變革推動策略的指標「教育與溝通」、「潤滑與支援」、「操縱」、「高壓」四項做為自變數,而組織變革接受度的指標「忠誠度」、「信任度」、「工作士氣」、「安全感」四項做為依變數,並以經歷過C公司組織變革且跨過民營化時點之員工為研究對象,採用迴歸分析方法探討領導人特質對於組織變革接受度之影響,以及在採取不同變革推動策略下,對於組織變革接受度之影響。 研究結果顯示,領導者特質對組織變革接受度確有顯著影響,並以「指導型」與「表率型」對組織變革接受度有顯著之正面影響;而透過不同的變革推動策略後,對組織變革接受度亦有顯著影響,其中又以「教育與溝通」與「操縱」對組織變革接受度有顯著之正面影響,而「高壓」則對組織變革接受度則有顯著之負面影響。依上述結果,建議C公司於進行組織變革時,管理當局可指派具有「指導型」與「表率型」特質的主管負責推動與執行,取得部屬的信賴與認同,以利變革加速進行,並透過揭露訊息或公開說明、辦理訓練輔導員工轉型、建置心理諮商管道等方式,以化解員工心中的疑慮及對未來的不確定感,使變革之推動更為順利。


Organizations are always influenced by the variation of people, economy, technology and society in the country. To survive in the domestic or international market, it is important to use organizational changes as methods to ecounter impacts and solves obstacles. However, the changes often come with the industrial disputes like employees’ resistance and boycott. The employees’ attitude and acceptance are also key elements because they influence the results of organizational changes. Therefore, from the perspectives of employees, this research argues what kinds of leaders characteristics have the positive influences on employee acceptance of organizational changes. When organizations have different pomotion strategy of organizational changes, which strategy has the positive responses from employees? This paper aims at discussing the relations between leaders characteristics, promotion strategy and employee acceptance. Through the references review, this research has induced six types of leaders characteristics, four norms of promotion strategy and employee acceptance. The research subjects are the Chunghwa Telecom Co. employees who have undergone organizational changes, trying to study the influences of different leaders characteristics and promotion strategies on employee acceptance. The research has shown that leaders characteristics and promotion strategies affect employee acceptance much. Among all, the characteristics of “instruction” and “model” have positive influence. The strategies of “education and communication” and “management” also have the same effects while the one of “high-pressure” have the negative effects. According to the research, this paper suggests that when proceeding organizational changes, C Co. can assign the leaders with the characteristics of “instruction” and “model” to promote and implement changes. They can accelerate organizational changes by receiving employees’ trust, guiding employees, training and counseling employees to decrease employees’ uncertainty for the organization and future.


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