  • 學位論文


Spatial Perception of Idealized Interior Design to Non Professional Civilians

指導教授 : 張謙允


當代室內設計,大多容易缺乏常民認同。常民在鑑賞室內設計所期望的,除了空間組織外,最重要的還有個人心理上的理想形式,而這樣的理想就如同「情人眼裡出西施」,在本研究裡則解釋為「完形」心理。但是每個人的理想與認知都不一定相同,於此完形因族群而異;無定論,但有共通性。被視為完形的空間設計,對於常民具有特定的意義,然而常民心理層面的空間感受鮮為國人所關注。基於此,本研究以常民文化為目標,企圖探討常民於完形空間之聯繫。 本研究立基於現象學方法,藉由參與式觀察調查常民對室內設計的完形,分成三個階段執行。首先,提出完形空間心理之分析構面。其次,以訪談互動方式,參與受訪者之空間認知及完形心理的詮釋。最後,透過文本分析法,分析訪談資料,以歸納常民於完形空間之意義。 研究結果發現,(一)完形空間建立於人們的認知,內容包含經歷、認同與價值。人們的完形空間會映現於信仰,包含回憶、移情及平衡作用。完形經由人們之行為在空間中反映出來,內容包含權力、習俗與展示;(二)完形心理在自我認同裡尚有身份與性格的認同;價值意識裡則有生活理念、審美品味與行為信念。完形心理在記憶連結裡有懷舊情緒與特殊事件;移情作用則有寄託和慰藉的情感。完形心理在權力象徵裡有控制權與歸屬感;(三)常民與完形空間會經常進行對話,此外,常民還會將「自我」投射於完形空間裡,整體而言,完形空間是常民心靈的所在。期望藉由此研究,以助於大眾對於常民之完形室內設計觀有進一步瞭解,並且建立後續相關研究之參考及應用。


Most of modern interior designs are prone to lack the identity from non-professional civilians. When people browse around interior designs, they tend to care more about spatial organization and meanings idealistic to them than other aspects of a space. Such a phenomenon is commonly regarded as “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” while it is considered as “idealized” psychology. Although preference vary rather distinctively according to group, they share common features often times. A spatial design pattern revered as idealistic has special meaning to the non-professional civilian. However, people in Taiwan often pay little attention to the spatial feelings of non-professional civilians on the aspect of psychology. In view of this situation, this study tends to explore non-professional civilians’ contacts with idealized space with non-professional civilian culture as an objective. Based on phenomenological methods, this study was implemented in three stages through participant observations in which it conducted a survey among non-professional civilians on what idealized interior design means to them. First, it brought up analytic aspects of idealized space psychology followed by interview and interactive methods to participate in interviewees’ spatial psychology and interpretation of idealized psychology. In the last stage, it inducts the meanings of idealized space to non-professional civilians through analyses of interview materials by text analyses. The results found: (1) idealized space was established on people’s cognition and its contents contained experience, identity and value. People’s idealized space would reflect on faith including memory, empathy and balance effects while the ideal would be reflected in the space through people’s behaviors and its contents contain power, customs and shows; (2) in self-identity, idealized psychology contained identities of status and personality while the value consciousness included life philosophy, aesthetic taste and behavior faith. The idealized psychology included memory links to the emotion of nostalgia and special events while there were feelings of sustenance and comfort. The idealized psychology included control power and a sense of belonging in the symbol of power; (3) non-professional civilians often dialogued with idealized space, besides, they would project “themselves” into idealized space. On the whole, the idealized space was where the mind of non-professional civilians located. It is hoped the results of research be helpful to construe what idealized interior design means to average people and a useful reference for follow-up researches.




