  • 學位論文


Using One-to-Many and Multi-Stage Negotiation Approach to Resolve the Conflict Problem of Product Collaborative Design

指導教授 : 饒忻


由於網路技術的發展,協同產品設計已經是企業提高競爭力的主要需求。企業在產品設計時往往會涉及到合作夥伴,如何制定一套協同機制與選擇合作夥伴是企業在協同設計方面主要考量的因素。 本研究以一對多結合多階層協商架構為主,探討客戶、中心廠和協力廠產品協同設計之機制,依據三種協同模式,模擬具備不同立場強弱的參與者協商產品各項設計規範,找出各種三方不同立場強弱之協商組合,分析中心廠、客戶在與不同協力廠合作關係中的效益變化,進而選擇適當之協力廠。藉此研究可做為企業進行協同設計利用一對多與多階層協商機制時的參考。


Due to rapid technological changes, product collaborative design has become a significant requirement for enterprises to enhance their competitiveness. Since partners are always involved in product design, how to develop an effective collaborative mechanism and select suitable partners is a major consideration in the collaborative design. This study develops a one-to-many and multi-stage negotiation framework for collaborative product design among customer, enterprise, and suppliers. Based on three collaborative models, the study simulates the negotiation process among the three participants with different strong-or-weak position combinations for achieving design specifications, analyzing the cooperation effect of suppliers with customer and enterprise, and selecting suitable supplier. We believe that this study can serve as a reference of the development one-to-many and multi-stage negotiation mechanism for collaborative product design.


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