  • 學位論文


Creating a Brand Identity System for Taiwan Coffee

指導教授 : 張振明


過去百餘年來,台灣一直不斷陸續培育國產咖啡,且受到西化的影響,國人飲用咖啡的人數也不斷增加,但台灣國產的咖啡品牌獨特性卻一直不如國際性的咖啡品牌。經過資料蒐集及分析後發現,台灣國產咖啡在品牌建立上,較無一致性的作法。包括視覺設計及行銷手法,皆無法令人留下深刻記憶。有鑑於此,本論文將以視覺設計的角度,以國產咖啡為基礎,建立全新的台灣咖啡品牌。 本創作初步將以文獻分析來瞭解全球咖啡產業,進而分析台灣咖啡市場現況,並從研究分析中找出同為國產咖啡品牌的主要競爭者,再將國內知名國際咖啡品牌列為成功案例,針對其品牌背景、品牌命名、商標設計、相關識別系統分析,以取其優而捨其劣的方式來設計創作。 美學注入行銷,是普遍台灣企業顧主很缺乏的觀念。在透過競爭者分析及商標設計的過程中瞭解,一個好的品牌如何適當應用於識別系統,並快速令消費者記憶是需要多方考量與研究。本創作結果試圖以建立一全新台灣咖啡品牌,以跳脫本土化的設計方向重新定位與命名,並期望能透過識別系統的一致性達到與消費者連結,進而將台灣咖啡品牌重新轉型。


During the past century, influence from the west has nurtured numerous coffee brands and thousands of coffer lovers in Taiwan. However, significant improvement can be made for. Taiwan coffee brands to be more unique. Research findings from this study showed that coffee brands in Taiwan are in need for consistency in brand building. Currently, neither graphic design, nor marketing communication of most brands have left any meaningful impression in the minds of the consumer. This study will therefore build a brand for Taiwan coffee with focus on graphic design. This project starts with analyzing worldwide coffee market, followed by analysis of Taiwan coffee market. Identifying key domestic players in the Taiwan market, and cross compare them with international brands in terms of brand background, naming, logo design, visual identity system. These information are then utilized as a basis for the new coffee brand design. Taiwan marketers have yet come to grips with the fact that esthetics is part of the marketing efforts. Through analyzing competitors and their logo designs and communications, it is apparent that how a brand communicates with its visual identity system to occupy a position in consumer's mind requires thorough considerations and studies. This project attempt to create a completely new brand for Taiwan coffee, differentiating itself from positioning to naming with all local brands. The objective is also to connect to consumer with consistency in visual communication, in order to elevate Taiwan coffee branding to a new level.


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