  • 學位論文


Implementation and review of annual leave in Taiwan aviation industry

指導教授 : 吳姿慧


我國勞動基準法於第38條明文規範我國之特別休假制度,另依施行細則第24條規範特別休假需經勞雇雙方「協商排定」進行之,並規範應休未休之處理方式。為進一步解特別休假制度之實施情況,本文乃擇以航空事業單位為探討對象,主要係因航空事業單位我國從業人數最多之服務業之行業,且跨倉儲運輸及其他類別(如飛航員、空服員等)之二大類別的綜合體。再者,因為航空業分別適用我國勞基法三種不同之工時制度,換言之,藉由探討航空事業單位特別休假之規範及實施情況,已涵蓋典型工作類別人員及非典型工作類別人員之特別休假制度,故具有相當之研究實益。 本論文之研究目的,乃藉由蒐集國內航空事業單位有關特別休假制度之規範,並對其進行形式及內容上之探討與分析。如此,將對航空事業單位所訂定之特別休假制度有一初步的瞭解,並得進一步瞭解航空事業單位特別休假制度是否因工時制度而具有其特殊性。另外,進一步分析並提出可能的因應措施及改進建議,以為我國勞基法特別休假制度制定之參考。 在研究方法及內容上,本研究主要乃採文獻蒐集、分析,並比較實證對象特別休假制度之內容,以進行歸納及分析。質言之,本研究先行從行政機關、學說及司法實務對於特別休假制度之法律性質及相關爭議進行整理,從中歸納出各界對於特別休假之相關見解與實務運用之態度。再藉由此相關見解,比較所蒐集到國內航空事業單位之特別休假規則。接著,則依前述歸納分析之相關論點設計有關特別休假之問卷,並以航空事業單位之從業人員為發放對象,以為實證分析之佐證結果。 經本文研究發現,航空事業單位均依勞基法明訂特別休假制度,然經實證研究之結果則發現,協商排定制度之適用,則因航空事業單位工作類別、適用之工時制度及公司之人力運用政策等因素,而有其適用程度之差異。特別是空勤輪班人員之輪班工作,因為需符合不同法規之特性,使得特別休假在協商制度之適用上最為困難。另外,值得注意的是,即便現行法應休未休特別休假之遞延制度,然已有航空事業單位予以明確規範並實施,亦較能符合特別休假制度設立之目的。


Annual leave system is stipulated in article 38 of our Labor law, and annual leave scheduling should be comply with a rule of “consulation” between labor and employer, which is stipulated in article 24 of rules for implementation that also stipulated how unholiday bonus should be paid. For further understanding the implementation of annual leave system, duing that aviation industry is not only contains three different kind of working hour system but also as a combination of 2 types of service industry about warehousing and others(ex, Pliots and flight attentants), this article chooses aviation industry as an analysis object. In other words, this article expects that via discussing the regulation and implementation of annual leave in aviation industry would lead an understanding the annual leave system in our Labor Law. The purpose of this article is by collecting and analyzing the regulation of annual leave in Aviaiton Industry in form-oreiented and content-oriented method, which can also assist to have an overview of annule leave of our Labor law. Further, to analyze that should it be needed for aviation industry of building up a different annule leave system since there are different kind of working hour system fits in aviation industry. On the other hand, after the examination annual leave system of aviation industry, this article would also like to make a suggestion to the annual leave system of our Labor law. In research methodology, this article uses literature to collect, analyze, and compare the content of aviation industry for conclude and analisis. To start with discussing the legal nature and the controversy of annual leave system, which based on the viewpoint of executive, doctrine and judicial practice. After getting an overall view of annual leave syetem, then to analyz collecting annual leave regulation of aviation industry. Further, to make a questionare based on the discuessed viewpoint, and dispatch to aviation-industry-workers to know an actual situation of imlpementaiton situation of annual leave in aviation industry. This was found out by this research that annual leave system was built to fit our Labor law in aviation industry, however, while comply with rule of “consulation” between labor and employer has degree difference influenced by the category of workers, working hour system, and human resource management. Especially for flight attent is most differcult one result from its shift should comply with different laws besides Labor law. Another thing to mention is that even there are is deferred annual leave regulation in our Labor law, but which is now implemented in aviation industry.


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