  • 學位論文


A Study of the Procurement Reformation of Government Technology Entity by Backcasting Approach to Transform to an NDPB

指導教授 : 宮大川


摘要 在全球公務部門紛紛以行政法人為組織變革利器的趨勢下,台灣當局也已完成行政法人之立法。在其最近一波規劃轉型單位中,中科院由於組織龐大,其轉型之運作將甚為複雜。因此,能否確實引進企業管理技巧,來徹底改造其營運模式,將是中科院轉型能否成功的重要關鍵。而本文即是探討其中有關採購變革之作法。 本文以普遍應用於全球永續發展領域之「回溯法」作為研究方法。藉由文獻探討與標竿學習,建構出中科院進行採購變革應予追求的兩項理想核心目標:集中採購與電子採購。再經由比較現行公務採購制度與變革理想核心目標後,推衍出中科院採購變革必然會面臨的兩大問題與四大落差。然後,再經由文獻探討與腦力激盪,提出五項可能解決方案與六項行動建議,最後並搭配流程圖及UML循序圖來呈現未來理想採購模式之組織、流程、與資訊系統等運作細節。 本研究不僅可以提供中科院在轉型行政法人並進行採購變革時,作為其改革行動方案之依據,當其它採購模式類似於中科院之大型政府機構要轉型為行政法人時,亦可供其作為採購變革上之參考。


ABSTRACT Under the global trend of adopting arm's-length body as an edged tool in organizational change of public entities, the Taiwan authorities also have realized the legislation of its Non-departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) Act. Among Taiwan’s recent NDPBs transformation list, the transition of Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) will be much complicated, owing to it is large. Therefore, whether CSIST can genuinely introduce the techniques of business management so as to totally alter its operation mode will be the critical point of a success reform in the future. The aim of this paper then focuses on the practices of procurement and supply management (PSM) reform of CSIST. The thesis utilizes the backcasting method, prevailing in the global sustainability development realm, as the research method. Through literature review and benchmarking, two ideal critical goals, centralized purchasing and e-procurement, which have to be pursued in the PSM reform are constructed. After comparing the goals to the extant PSM institution, two inevitable problems in front of the reformation and four gaps between the goals and extant situation are identified. Successively, through literature review and brainstorming, five possible solutions and six action items are proposed. At last, flow charts and UML sequence diagrams are used to present some details about the ideal PSM organizations, procedures and IT system in the future. This thesis not only can be used as the basis in the PSM reform of CSIST while transforming into an NDPB. Moreover, when other large entities, with similar PSM features to CSIST, need to transform into NDPBs and execute the PSM reform, they also can refer to this study.


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