  • 學位論文


Graphic Design and Creation for Patchwork by Applying the Pattern of Taiwan Protected Species

指導教授 : 邱永中


台灣野生動物之種類和珍奇舉世聞名,是一項重要的文化資產,具有多方面的價值。全球暖化為人類及生態系統帶來了災難,大家應重視地球被破壞的事實,群策群力以維繫大自然生態平衡。本研究希望能透過設計創作之商品媒材,激發出大家珍愛眾生之情,以宣揚動物保育之理念。 本研究之目的在探索設計理念與飾品訴求的契合、呈現創作之獨特風貌及視覺感受、省思整個創作過程用以提升藝術品質;並以拼布創作為途徑,提倡保育動物之精神理念。 在文獻探討上主要分為拼布發展、文創商品設計、美學探討等為方面。透過專家與專業之啟發,分析歸納後轉化為設計與製作的方針,期能實現於創意商品,以建構出層次豐富又和諧的華麗創作。 在研究方法上採用的是案例分析之方式,分為環保商品與拼布藝術家兩種類型。在商品方面分別從外在觀感、中介功效、內在感受等層面進行探討。在拼布藝術家方面主要是闡述她們的創作特色,例如:靈感理念、手法運用、色彩搭配等。 本研究之創作過程由發想、設計、建構圖案至拼布編織技巧運用等。完成之研究創作,包括:實用包及拼布藝品,分成九大系列共計27件作品。以新穎手法,表現作品深層的意境。


保育動物 文創商品 拼布


The preciousness and variety of Taiwan wildlife are world-famous, it represent an important culture, including multiple aspect value. Global warming bring huge disaster to human being and ecosystem, we should pay much attention to the fact that our earth was under destroying, and work together to maintain the balance of natural ecosystem. This research hopes to arouse people to treasure creature via product design, to advocate the idea of animal protection. The aim of this study to is to explore the co-relation of design idea and product, to present the unique style and visual impact of the creation. We will think the entire creative process to enhance artistic quality. And allow through the creation of patchwork as a way to promote the idea of animal protection. In literature review, the development of patchwork, the design of cultural and creative products, and the exploration of Aesthetics are all discussed. Through above inspiration by experts and professions, ideas are converted to principles of design and production, in the expextation to realize in merchandise, to construct the abundant and melodious creation. Case studying is adopted for research methods, categorizing to green product and patch work artists. In green products, discussion includes impressions, intermediation, and perception. In patchwork artists, characteristics of their creations are illustrated as inspiration of origin, ultilization of techniques, color collocation etc. The process of creating this study is composed of concept generation, designing, pictures contruction, and using weaving thchniques. Creations are including useful bags and wall decorations, which contained 27 pieces of works and are seperated into 9 series. Magnificent conception is expressed by Innovative techniques.


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