  • 學位論文


Study on the added value of mosaic art in space- Chen Ching-Jung art work in Chungli Gallery as an example

指導教授 : 陳文亮


鑲嵌技藝最早起源於美索不達米亞一帶的傳統工藝,鑲嵌藝術又稱為「馬賽克藝術」(Mosaic藝術)或「嵌畫」,然而鑲嵌藝術這項工藝在台灣的發展卻還是一項相當年輕的藝術工藝。馬賽克鑲嵌藝術之前在台灣並沒有被廣泛運用,直到台灣在大量興建的公共建築物下,立法院通過“百分比公共藝術”的條例而開始,許多建築物中所呈現的公共藝術大多使用馬賽克的表現手法,這也使得馬賽克鑲嵌藝術達到多元的運用,不論是在技術上或材料上的運用,都有高度的變化。公共藝術最大的特性是在創作成品能展現本身藝術特質之外,更能夠美化彰顯與其環境空間品質,令社會大眾感染藝術渲染的力量,這將使得藝術與環境空間的對話品質不斷地提升,也讓民眾對於馬賽克鑲嵌藝術工藝有更進一步的認識。 本研究選定陳景容先生馬賽克鑲嵌作品於中壢藝術館環境空間內之加值對話為研究目標,透過陳景容先生的馬賽克鑲嵌作品《人間樂章》及《樹蔭下的即興演奏》來做分析,透過作品的表現及設置來探討中壢藝術館大廳空間氛圍的加值效果。藉由本研究的論述,紀錄中壢藝術館內設置陳景容先生馬賽克鑲嵌壁畫的製作過程與馬賽克設置後所帶給整體環境空間的加值效益分析,可作為未來修復鑲嵌壁畫或在公共空間中設置馬賽克鑲嵌藝術作品之參考規範及借鏡。


Mosaic Inlay was originated on ancient Mesopotamia craftsmanship; however, it is still in its early developing stage in Taiwan. Starting in 1992, Mosaic art has been widely conducted into public art system after the Legislative Yuan of Republic of China passed the ordinance“percentage of public art”, which is compelled more than one percent of the public building’s total budget should be utilized for public art. The most critical impact of public art to the society is to inviting people getting involved as much as possible during the creating process of Mosaic Inlay; when people’s heart are pacified by creating them, meanwhile, they would actually review and share more feedback regarding Mosaic Inlay craftsmanship. The goal of this research is to discuss and analyze how the two mosaic inlays, 《Earthly Melody》&《Musicians Improvising in the Shady Grove》, which were created by Mr. Chen Ching-Jung, have successfully enhanced the literary atmosphere for the lobby of Chungli Arts Hall. The discoveries on how mosaic inlays by Mr. Chen Ching-Jung were created and what benefits have been brought to the interior of Chungli Arts Hall, which would play as a great reference for setting mosaic art for public spaces in the future.


Dierks, Leslie(1997),《Making mosaics : designs, techniques & projects》,New York : Sterling Pub. Co。
