  • 學位論文

結合NFC TAG遊戲式行動闖關學習APP應用於數學步道之研究

Study Game-based Mobile Learning APP with NFC Tag in Math Trail

指導教授 : 賀嘉生 鄭憲永


本研究利用具備觸控式螢幕、數位拍照鏡頭、近場通訊(NFC)等硬體技術的平板電腦,建置結合NFC TAG遊戲式行動闖關學習APP,同時利用校園環境而設計六個數學步道闖關活動,透過提示探索,到訪不同的學習活動區域,APP提供學習者適時、適地、適切的知識;透過輕便簡單的NFC通訊媒介與平板電腦的互動模式,建立生活化校園數學學習環境。 本研究以新北市一所小學高年級16名學生為實驗對象,實施NFC遊戲式數學步道行動學習活動。實驗前後以「數學學習動機量表」、「數學學習態度量表」進行量化分析及科技接受模型測驗。實驗結果以敘述統計分析、無母數統計之單一樣本中位數檢定(Wilcoxon signed-rank test)及迴歸進行統計分析,探討以結合NFC TAG遊戲式行動闖關學習APP對學習動機、學習態度及使用認知的影響。 在學習前後之學習動機與學習態度未達顯著差異;學習動機(歸因)與TAM(知覺有用)對學習態度的影響達顯著水準;TAM(知覺易用)對TAM(知覺有用)與TAM(知覺愉悅)的影響達顯著水準,顯示系統對學習者數學的學習表現、助益及愉悅感,有正向幫助。因為學習活動僅3個小時,未來規劃為6到8周活動,延長實驗時程,來分析本學習系統對學習動機、學習態度的影響,提供學生新的行動學習模式。


In this study, we used the touch screen, digital camera lens, Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, such as the Tablet PC hardware, combined the Game-based Mobile Learning APP with NFC Tag, meanwhile using the Campus environments to design six math learning activities, through prompt exploration, visiting different learning area, the APP provides learners appropriate materials; through the interactive mode between the simple NFC media and tablets to establish the campus mathematics learning environment. In this study, we used 16 higher grades elementary school students in New Taipei City as experimental subjects, to implement the NFC mathematics trails learning activities game. Before and after the experiment, we used the "Mathematics Learning Motivation Scale", "Mathematics Learning Attitude Scale" to make the quantitative analysis and technology acceptance model test. The experimental results analysis with the non-parametric statistics of Wilcoxon signed-rank test and regression statistical analysis, explore the effects of combining the Game-based Mobile Learning APP with NFC Tag on learning motivation, learning attitude and using cognitive. It is not significant on the motivation and the attitude before and after the learning; the influence of learning motivation (attribution) and TAM (perceived usefulness) on learning attitudes are significant; the impact of TAM (perceived ease of use) on TAM (perceived usefulness) and TAM (perception of pleasure) are significant, the App for learning mathematics learners, benefit and pleasure, are positive help. Since there are only three hours of learning activities, and the future planning are 6-8 weeks activities, as to extend the experiments time, to analyze the impact of the learning system of motivation, attitude, action learning provides students with a new model.


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