  • 學位論文


The effects of spatial elements on position choice considering “the other user” in the open space.

指導教授 : 謝明燁


生活中人與人之間存在自身領域範圍,每個人需要的最小空間範圍不同,這些最小空間範圍稱為「個人空間氣泡」,控制個體間的距離,隨身體移動,視情況改變而放大縮小,如何解讀人們彼此間理想距離? 本研究以虛擬實境方法在以往文獻結果基礎上探討在開放空間中添加「其他使用者」的變因時,空間元素及「其他使用者」對於等待者選擇等待位置的影響為何?研究結論如下: 1. 垂直廣場長邊的高牆有切分廣場的作用,牆離陌生人越近,與陌生人同側的廣場被切分的更小;而平行廣場長邊的高牆雖在陌生人旁,卻有遮蔽效果,等待者心理感受與陌生人隔開。 2.對在L型牆內側的等待者而言:L型牆內側面對陌生人有聚焦效果,牆離陌生人越近,則越感壓迫及環顧廣場範圍變小;陌生人在L型牆外側有視線遮蔽效果,牆在陌生人旁能環顧廣場範圍變大。 3.樹有半遮蔽和遮蔭效果,可利用樹阻擋與陌生人視線交流,當樹離陌生人越近,多數等待者會捨棄樹。 4.有部分等待者認為椅坐休息需求>個人空間需求。 5.當廣場無元素時,大部分的等待者會選擇陌生人後方軸線的位置,以便避開視線交流。 6.當廣場上增加一名陌生人時,等待者的心理感知需求程度為:視線遮蔽>包覆性>視線通透、椅坐休息>半遮蔽、包被感與自然感。 7.人們願意接受透過空間元件與陌生人較接近的各別距離是:高牆為個人距離(約1M),座椅為社交距離(約3M),樹介於社交距離與公共距離之間(約3M–4M)。


There’s a range of domains between people in life, and the minimum spatial range required by each person varies, called "personal space," controlling the distance between people. How can we understand the ideal distance between people? Based on the results of previous literatures, this study explores the relationship between location selection and spatial elements in open space when adding "the other user" through virtual reality. The conclusions as below: 1.The closer the wall and the stranger, the smaller the space on the stranger is divided. The walls parallel to the long side of the plaza can be shielded to isolate people from strangers. 2.For the people inside of the L-shaped wall: There’s a focusing effect when the inside of the L-shaped wall faces the stranger. The closer the wall is to the stranger, the more oppressed people feel and the smaller the space become. When the stranger is outside of the L-shaped wall, there’s a sight-shading effect and the space becomes bigger. 3.Tree can be shelters and block the sight of the stranger. The stranger is near the tree, most people tend to abandon the tree. 4.Some people think it's necessary to sit on a chair instead of a personal space. 5.Given no element in the plaza, most people will choose the axis position behind the stranger to avoid the sight. 6.People's psychology is: shelter> coating> sitting>shadow and natural feeling. 7.People are accept that the individual distances closer to strangers through spatial elements are: The wall is the personal distance (1M). The seat is the social distance (3M). The tree is between the social distance and the public distance (3M-4M).


1.陳秋伶譯(1971)。戶外空間的場所行為(原作者:Jan Gehl)。台北市:田園城市出版社。(原著書名:Life Between Buildings)。
2.關紹箕譯(1966)。隱藏的空間(原作者:Edward T. Hall)。台北市:三山出版社。(原著書名:The Hidden Dimension)。
3.Robert Sommer(1969). Personal Space:The Behavioral Basis of Design. N.J: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
