  • 學位論文


The Study to Establish Framework of Assessment Indicators for System Cabinet in Residence

指導教授 : 陳殿禮


系統櫥櫃挾其環保、機動性高與組裝方便等特性,近年來逐漸受到室內設計業者之青睞。本研究藉由使用後評估之概念對住宅系統櫥櫃進行調查,探討一組完善的系統櫥櫃規劃設計應具備之條件。首先本研究針對國內35家系統櫥櫃廠商資料進行內容分析,進而歸納出客廳、餐廳、書房、主臥室、兒童房與廚房等六大系統櫥櫃之重點空間,並邀請7位具住宅系統櫥櫃規劃經驗之設計師,針對上述六大空間單元進行焦點團體訪談(Focus Groups Method),透過紮根理論初步擬定住宅系統櫥櫃使用評估指標,分別為「外觀造型滿意度」、「展示規格大小合適度」、「電器設備配線方便性」、「與傳統木作的搭配性」、「與室內風格的搭配性」、「五金穩定性」、「板材防水性」、「符合業主收納需求」、「可調式層板靈活度」、「層板承重性」、「收納機能性」、「使用機能的靈活性」、「安全性」、「是否符合性別」、「是否符合人因」、「表面材質耐刮性」與「整體穩定性」等17項,而後針對15位專家進行德爾菲法(Delphi)與層級分析法(AHP)之施測,歸結出客廳空間系統櫥櫃9項評估指標、餐廳9項、書房7項、主臥室6項、兒童房11項與廚房10項,及其各空間評估指標之權重,以供未來系統櫥櫃設計規劃者參考。最後透過重要表現程度分析法(IPA),實際應用本研究建構之指標評估消費者在使用系統櫥櫃時之問題,而設計者與製造商可依循上述調查結果檢視本身設計規劃上之缺失,必針對各項評估指標相關問題進行設計上的修正與改善,進而使系統櫥櫃更符合使用者之需求。


The traditional cabinet has been replaced gradually by the system cabinet, and it becomes the mainstream of the interior design in recent years. This research that used in Post-Occupancy Evaluation surveys system cabinet of the house, and probes into the condition which possesses a group of complete system cabinet planning and design. At first, this research on Content Analysis discusses thirty-five manufacturers of system cabinet, and then concludes the key space of six major system cabinet such as living room, dining room, study, master bedroom, child's room and kitchen…etc. This research invites seven designers who have the experience to plan system cabinet of houses. In the light of Focus Groups Method to six major space units and Grounded Theory with the quality analysis software, Winmax, Preliminary development of assessment indicators for system cabinet in house. For 15 experts issued the Delphi questionnaires twice, it filter out the living room system cabinet nine assessment indicators, nine for restaurant, seven for study room, six for master bedroom, 11 for child room and 10 for kitchen. For assessment indicators for system cabinet in house issued the AHP questionnaires, evaluation in order to understand the importance of different space. Finally, through IPA to practical application the assessment indicators, Analysis of what the user satisfaction, and generated by consumers to assess the useful feedback.in the future, it’s for users and designers assess the pros and cons of system cabinet of the house.


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陳振偉(2017)。系統家具工廠觀點之櫥櫃家具 訂製作業系統研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700567
