  • 學位論文


A Study of Urban Habitat on Campus : Monitoring and Maintenance Work

指導教授 : 林鎮洋


這些年來,臺灣在經濟高度發展下,都市迅速擴張,為滿足人類各種需求,增加人類生存、活動的的空間,都市中水與綠的生態環境逐漸缺乏,生物的棲息地也因此大量消失,市民與自然間之關係更加疏離。 都市是生態系中的一個基本單位,校園的生態環境系統是其中最重要的一環;校園,除了是教育、教學研究的環境,市民休閒遊憩的地方,同時更是生物棲息的地方。 為達成永續發展的目標,教育部規劃了「永續校園推廣計畫」,各級學校也不斷建立永續生態校園的相關設施,但是這個設施沒有後續的監測及維護管理,將失去永續利用的目標。 本研究以臺北科技大學位於沿忠孝東路旁的水域棲地為研究地點,以儀器監測、生物調查及觀察紀錄等方法,將定期定點所監測、調查、觀察紀錄的資料,進行整理並分析探討,依據分析探討獲得的成果,提供學校未來後續規劃或維護管理參考。本研究重要結論如下: 1. 學校於沿忠校東路營造的水域棲地達到都市環境改善的效益。 2. 水質監測部分以每月監測為主;監測點位數量可減少。 3. 依據生物出現數量或物種進行參觀解說。 4. 進行維護管理應避開生物繁衍季節。


校園棲地 監測 維護管理 生態池


With the aid of economic development, Taiwan has made a lot of headway in terms of urbanization. In order to earn more space for living and activities, city residents have built cement jungles-with land and roads split into pieces. Therefore,the ecological environments-water and green plants,which are considered to be a necessary habitat for living creatures-are rapidly disappearing. The residential life in the city is getting more isolated. Though cities are seen as a fundamental unit in an ecological system, the ecological system on campus is especially considered to be the most significant. School campus is more than a place for teaching, learning and doing research. It is also a place for recreation for citizens and a habitat for living creatures. For a continuing development, the Ministry of Education has offered a project: Sustainable Campus-which encourages schools of all levels to build up sustainable utilities in question, The project is praiseworthy, but it will turn out to be nothing fruitful without a solid monitoring and maintenance work that follow. In this paper, we look into the watery habitat area at NTUT along Zhongxiao E.Rd. We make use of machines and devices-with approaches widely applied to biological investigation, observation and recording—to monitor the whole environment around. On a regular basis, the data are monitored, studied, observed, recorded and thus taken into analysis. It is our sincere hope that our findings can be further utilized for future campus planning and maintenance work. Some of the conclusions we have reached include: 1. To what extent can we obtain the benefits in building the watery habitat area at NTUT along Zhongxiao E.Rd.. 2. As water quality monitoring is performed on the monthly basis:the observatory locations can be reduced in numbers; 3. Some of the important things need to be civered in designing season tours:presents quantity or the species based on the biology carries on the visit to illustrate; 4. We should avoid mating seasons for the living creatures to do maintenance work.


