  • 學位論文


An Application of Material Flow Analysis on TFT-LCD Panels in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張添晉


物質流分析(Material Flow Analysis, MFA)主要為瞭解某一物質在環境生態系統中之流布,可在有限之財物力支援下,建立所含物質量之資料庫,並清楚瞭解物質如何經由製造過程產生不同之宿命,有助於資源管理決策者清楚且明確地了解物質在系統間之流動情況,協助決策者評選出進行最佳管理策略決擇與資源合理調配。台灣液晶面板產值市場佔有率達全球44.2%以上,相對廢棄面板數量於台灣更相對棘手,本研究以物質流分析方法,針對2007年台灣LCD面板,包含裸面板與貯存於應用產品中之面板及其中具資源化潛力之組成分進行流佈調查與推估。根據本研究親自拜訪行政院環保署、台灣財政部關稅總局(Directorate General of Customs)、台灣LCD面板製造、應用產品組裝及銷售及廢LCD清除機構之流佈調查分析顯示,2007年台灣LCD面板之進口量為5,462 公噸,出口量為271,743 公噸,台灣經濟體內之LCD 2007年總營業量為7,416 公噸,換算面板中具回收潛力成分重量分別為玻璃17,666.6 公噸、塑膠3,013.7 公噸、液晶27公噸/ry、銦錫氧化物(ITO)39.5 公噸;依使用年限(lifespan)推估2007年由經濟體使用者端排出之應用產品內含LCD面板超過2000公噸,其中僅12.4公噸進入台灣電子電機回收系統,其餘為流向不明或於使用者家中貯存;經台灣面板廠排出之廢液晶面板不良品達6971.6公噸,與回收體系拆解後排出之廢棄面板皆為掩埋處置,換算回收潛力成分則分別包括玻璃6,721.3公噸、塑膠1,146.6公噸、液晶10.2公噸、ITO 15 公噸,若能有效將台灣LCD面板回收處理後取得前述可資源化資源,除可大幅減低掩埋場地消耗外,亦可大幅減緩資源枯竭速度,有效減輕環境負擔。


Material flowanalysis (MFA) is a tool used to analyze the metabolism of materials in order to monitor material flows and stocks within a given system. It can evaluate the importance and relevance of theses flows and stocks and control material flows and stocks to support certain goals, such as sustainable development MFA has been successfully applied to assess resource utilization and environmental impacts. Long-term environmental management policy and resource management strategy are then proposed based on such assessment. Taiwan had over 44.2% market shared in the global market. On the other hand, environmental pollution caused by waste LCD from consumer durables and manufacturing processes is especially prevalent in Taiwan. This study used MFA to analyze the material flow of LCD panels. In order to use MFA to clearly understand the material flow of LCD panels in Taiwan for 2007, this study interviewed several instituteions related to LCD panels, such as the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA), the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), the Bureau of Foreign Trade, the Directorate General of Customs, and the LCD manufactures/importers/exporters. The results of this survey can also serve as a reference for the control, management, and treatment of LCD panels. It was found that 5,462 tons of LCD panels had been imported to Taiwan for the year 2007 and 271,743tons had been exported. For the domestic market phase, it has 7,416tons input to Taiwan in 2007. The Material flow for potential metal recycling of LCD panels is about 17,666.6tons of glasses, 3,013.7tons of plastic, 27tons of liquid crystal and 39.5tons of ITO stocks as LCD panels in Taiwan. According to the statistics of LCDs, waste LCD panels from cousumer durables was about over 2000tons. Only 12.4tons enter the recycling progress system. The others as unknow flow, such as resale of secondhand LCDs or stock in the cousumer’s house. Waste panels form LCD manufactors in 2007 was about 6971.6tons and that has been landfilled. Also, there were 6721.3tons of glasses, 1,146.6tons of plastic, 10.2tons of liquid crystal and 15tons of ITO had been landfilled.


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