  • 學位論文


TRIZ Trend Evolution Application- A Case Study for modern mobile storage devices

指導教授 : 葉繼豪


NAND 型快閃記憶體擁有非揮發性、小體積、低耗電、耐衝擊、高速讀取等特性,是目前最符合移動裝置需求的記憶體裝置。利用NAND型快閃記憶體製作而成的小型記憶卡,由於採用統一介面以及內建控制晶片可以把繁瑣的記憶體管理程序簡化,成為普遍被採用的移動式大容量儲存裝置。尤其在移動儲存裝置如:手機、筆記型電腦、數位相機、掌上型遊戲機等要求抗震及低耗能的裝置上,更已被大量使用。 本文係以筆者個人在小型記憶卡讀卡設備研究之案例,探討創新構思問題解決萃思理論(TRIZ theory) 應用在移動儲存裝置的新產品開發上。利用萃思理論中的37項工程演化參數、40項創新研發發明法則、演化趨勢及演化趨勢雷達圖,有條理的分析創新發明之步驟。由於美國及中華民國的高科技產業在於研發、生產記憶體裝置領先世界各國許多,所以本研究將聚焦美國專利商標局及中華民國智慧財產局之公示資訊查詢近三年之相關專利資料各300筆,同時使用TRIZ 37項工程演化參數分析歸納整理這些發明,進而得到移動儲存裝置之演化趨勢雷達圖,並用來檢視移動儲存裝置的未來可能方展方向。針對現有市場上的移動儲存裝置及小型記憶卡的應用及技術限制找出未來可能的發展方向,據此提出三種新的概念新產品,同時針對其中之一項新發明向中華民國智慧財產局提出專利申請。 長久以來新產品開發者共同的困難點就是在新產品開發過程中沒有辦法有效快速地找到新產品設計的切入點。許多新產品都是匯集了眾人的智慧與技術而創造出來的,這些辛苦與努力如果沒有等效於企業投入研發的回收,實屬可惜。然而在研發的路上常常可以看見到無法商品化的發想,或失敗在專利訴訟的案例。這些案例有很多都是對新產品沒有完善規劃的結果。 本論文希望以萃思理論來歸納、分類、整理新產品的發展趨勢與方向,同時迴避類似專利侵權的疑慮,作為現代創新研發的基礎,讓開發人員聚焦在新產品研發的前、中期的產品規劃以避免不必要的時間與努力的浪費,讓每個產品都有獨特性,也都能商品化,並且回收投入的成本,貢獻於企業經營與改善社會環境。


NAND type flash is a none-volatile, small size, low power consumption, anti-shake, high reading performance modern mobile storage device. Compact type flash memory card made by NAND flash is usually compliant with the same protocol and same interface thus it is easy to transfer data among different devices. With the embedded flash memory controller (controller) which manages the data file system and memory blocks, handles data refreshing and wear-leveling process to keep the data in the memory card “fresh and longer life”, the compact flash memory card became the main storage unit in portable handheld devices in recent years. It transmits data between hosts and portable devices, such as: PC, mobile phone, digital camera, PDA…and become the most popular mobile storage memory. This research is based on my study of USB type flash memory card reader devices and the research of TRIZ theory、37 engineering evolutionary trend parameters、and 40 innovating principles. By this research, we can get the evolutionary radar diagram for the analysis of innovating trend, step-by-step to analyze the engineering innovation to create more reliable, more convenient, and more eco-economic products. Due to the major technologies of mobile storage are mostly come from Taiwan and the US, and most of the patents as well, I will focus on these two countries’ public patent data bases to search and analyze 300 patents from each data base, that is a total of 600 new patents during recent 3 years. In this research, I will use TRIZ 37 engineering evolutionary trend parameters to analyze these patents and generate new evolutionary radar diagram to find the possible directions of the mobile storage product trend. Try to get the present mobile storage device and compact type flash memory card application and technology limitations and possible product development trend. 3 new product ideas will be brought out. One of these three new idea products is applied to Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. for a patent of my company. All the new innovations are created by many people’s intelligence and efforts. It is regrettable if the engineering investment does not come out a good return. However, many of the inventions do not get a good return due to the interference of the other patents or the failures on commercialization. The failure may not be caused by the innovating process; it may be caused by the immaturity of product planning or misunderstanding of the market trend. In this research, TRIZ theory is applied to find the present mobile storage devices’ innovating trend. I wish it can also be applied to the other product innovation or product planning and finally comes out a good return to the investment, so the enterprises are capable to improve the society and environment for all of us.


TRIZ Evolutionary trend NAND flash memory USB


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