  • 學位論文


The Study of the Development of Construction Interface Management Progress in Practice

指導教授 : 林祐正


摘 要 適逢近年來之金融風暴肆虐、百業蕭條,政府為提振經濟及活絡產業活動,則應擴大內需積極推動公共工程建設。工程屬性之不同,所擬定的管理方式亦有所差異。由於營建工程所涉及之界面問題廣泛且影響深遠,其執行成果及績效亦多隨著工地主管、工程主辦人員及相關配合承攬商等之專業訓練而有所差異,致使嚴重影響其營建標的物之品質均質性;加上社會型態及價值觀之轉變,基層工程人員之需求處於嚴重的斷層階段,經驗傳承無法連貫,並不斷地重覆錯誤,無法從營建過程中獲得回饋經驗,嚴重的影響營建工程品質。於營建工程獲利不高的現實社會環境下,亦為營建企業主不得不重視並探討之課題。 本研究建制之工程界面管理及衝突整合模式,可事先分析檢討其工程專案管理實務上會造成工程進行中可預期及無法預期發生之行為,適時採取必要之因應對策,並將執行後之界面管理系統回饋資訊加以文件化,做為培育工程人員專業技能之教育訓練參考依據,以減少錯誤所造成之成本浪費及損失,進而健全完整之營建生態體系。經由本研究界面管理模式、標準作業流程及界面衝突整合之及實務導入之驗證,可確保界面管理系統之建制績效及執行效能,並使各項相關之界面管理整合手段均能依循計畫、執行、檢核、行動之精神,確實整合、溝通、記錄及回饋,並輔以建制資訊分享平台。


Abstract This research is to explore the application of interface management in construction projects during the construction phase. Interface management play an important roles in construction management. The approach (interface management mechanisms and progresses) for construction interface management during the construction phase are proposed in the study. Also, the lesson learned for interface management is developed for jounior engineers as usefurl tool in construction management. The proposed construction interface management approach offers useful tool to analyze interface operations to improve the interface problems among project participants. Finally, the proposed interface management approach is applied in selected case study of Taiwan construction project to verify our proposed approach and demonstrate the effectiveness of interface management. With the evaluation of the case study in the Taiwan construction project, the results show that proposed approach is effective to enhance the performance and e-learning in construction inferface management during construction phase.


附錄E 連絡便函 191
參考文獻 178
附錄A 界面控管文件-業務連繫表 182
附錄B 整體計劃進度控制表 184
附錄C 工程例會會議記錄表 187


徐志宏(2014)。廠房工程室內裝修與機電界面管理 應用之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0006-2208201414012500
