  • 學位論文


The Framework Analysis and Integrated Technologies of RFID-based E-Logistic Management Platform

指導教授 : 張瑞芬


隨著產品競爭日益升高,國際品牌大廠不斷的縮短交貨時間,戶到戶的交貨服務也移轉到台灣廠商身上,使得台灣廠商除了原先之原廠委託製造與設計服務外,也成為客戶的全球運籌策略夥伴,來提升本身之供應鏈價值。資訊管理系統之良窳影響企業全球運籌的管理與執行績效,在近幾年的發展趨勢中,企業持續應用新的技術或結合具互補功能的系統,藉此強化運籌資訊系統的能力。另一方面,在全球產銷模式之下,需要更精確且即時的資訊透通度來掌控貨物動態與庫存,現行系統所提供之資訊管理與決策輔助,未必能迅速且合適的發展策略綜效。 無線射頻辨識(RFID)為一新興技術,由於其資料自動擷取與辨識的能力,可對供應鏈帶來效率改善而廣受各方的注目。有鑑於此,本研究之目的在發展一以RFID為基之電子化運籌管理平台,研究流程可分為四個階段;第一階段提出營運中心(Business Hub)與運籌中心(Logistics Hub)之整合運作模式,在全球運籌發展下建構一協同運籌環境,協助並改善產業物流運籌作業。第二階段以平台架構為出發點,發展電子化運籌中心所應包含之系統模組與功能來強化所提之整合運作模式;將依據電子產品碼網絡之國際標準,建構RFID事件管理機制。第三階段則以支援第二階段之活動為主要目標進行系統分析設計,同時以網路服務(Web Services)整合技術為觀點,進行分散式系統間之資訊傳遞與溝通。最後,進行雛形系統開發,同時透過一汽車零組件產業之實際公司為例來探討如何將整合Hub運作模式與平台架構導入至供應鏈作業之中;此外,本研究提供一成本效益分析方法來評估施行本平台之投資可行性,期能為企業在運籌管理上帶來助益。


With the high grow of the product competition, the international brand companies frequently request Taiwan’s manufacturing companies for quick deliveries and door-to-door shipping. Except providing original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and original design manufacturer (ODM) services, Taiwan’s manufacturing companies are forming alliances with their clients and joining global logistics activities to crate advanced supply chain value. The information management system would affect the global logistics management executive performance of the enterprises. In the recent trends, the enterprises continually apply new technology or integrate with complementary system to improve the capabilities of their logistics information systems. In addition, enterprises need more accurate and real time information transparency to control merchandise situation and inventory under global production and distribution model. The information and decision supports provided by current systems are not necessarily able to fast and appropriately reveal utility. Radio frequency identification (RFID) which has increased attention due to enable to automatic data capture and identification is regarded as a viable technology to enhance supply chain efficiency. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to develop a RFID-based e-logistics management platform. There are four parts in this thesis. The first part is to propose an integrated business and logistics hub model which offers a cooperative logistics environment to assist industries to improve their logistics operations and facilitate global supply chain linkage. The second part is to design the platform framework and corresponding modules to strengthen the proposed integrated logistics hub model. Furthermore, this research refers to the latest EPC Network international standards to construct the RFID events management mechanism. In the third part, this study depictes the system analysis and design activities for supporting the second stage and plans information transmission approach among distributed systems from the point of view of Web Services integration technology. Finally, a prototype system is implemented with an illustrated case of the automotive aftermarket part company to demonstrate the results of proposed framework. Moreover, an investment feasibility analysis, encompassing related equipments costs and logistics saving benefits of proposed platform, has been carried out to assess the economical profitability when implementing into supply chain.


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