  • 學位論文


Trace Analysis of Multi Elements in Foods by ICP-MS

指導教授 : 凌永健


食物是人類攝取必需微量元素以及有毒元素的主要來源,本研究利用微波消化系統結合感應耦合電漿質譜儀(ICP-MS)應用於稻米中重金屬的總量分析研究,針對多重元素(As, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn, Se, Al, In, Ga, Mo, W)進行微波消化以及ICP-MS的參數最適化評估。經實驗後選用6 mL conc.HNO3以及3 mL 30%(v/v)H2O2之混合溶液作為最佳消化溶液,於110 ℃的消化溫度下進行消化10分鐘,再根據不同之金屬元素選擇不同之上機模式進行偵測,經NIST標準品進行方法確效得回收率介於80~120 %間,並使用Top-down approach評估此方法之量測不確定度,介於0.08-5.08 mg/kg的範圍內。 本研究收集來自全台75件白米樣品、25種魚類樣品以及42件豬肉樣品,進行現況樣品調查以及我國成年人及國小學童之週/日/月攝入量之評估。由數據結果顯示,75件白米樣品皆符合我國食品藥物管理署(食藥署)針對重金屬鉛、鎘、汞的規範;25種魚類樣品中濃度較高的砷及汞則需進一步建立物種分析方法以確認其中毒性較高之無機砷以及甲基汞的濃度;42件豬肉樣品則是都符合了食藥署針對可食用性家畜類內臟重金屬之規範。攝入量評估方面,我國國小學童各元素之週/日/月攝取量皆符合聯合國糧農組織以及世界衛生組織所制定之規範;成年人則是砷和汞有超標的情形。


Food is the main way of intake of trace elements by human, and rice is the most important food that Taiwanese eat every day. This research aimed to construct a simple, fast and reliable method to analyze multi trace elements in rice by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, ICP-MS. Prior to instrumentalanalysis, microwave digestion system was successfully applied to decompositionof samples by using 6 ml of concentrated nitric acid and 3 ml of 30 % hydrogen peroxide under 10 minutes and 110 ℃digestion. To validate the proposed method, three Standard Reference Materials from the National Institute of Standard and Technology,were analyzed, and the recovery of each element was in the range of 80-120 %. The measurement uncertainty was alsoevaluated by top-down approach, and the results are in the range of 0.08-5.08 mg/kg. Afterwards, 75 rice samples from different regions in Taiwan, 25 different species of fish samples and 42 pork samples were collected as field research samples. Finally, the provisional tolerable weekly/daily/monthly intake of adults and elementary childrenwere estimated. All of the 75 rice samples and 42 pork samples are under the regulation for heavy metals set by Food and Drug Administration. Further speciation method is needed for fish samples to check the concentration of inorganic arsenic and methyl mercury. Average weekly/daily/monthly intake of each element of elementary children is under the regulation set by World Health Organization, but the weekly intake of arsenic and mercury of adults are above the regulation.




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