  • 學位論文


The Research of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Influence on Japanese Law Systems

指導教授 : 胡慶山


世界上因傳統、文化、宗教、經濟體制與發展階段的不同,有著各式各樣的國家。但是那些國家有一個共通點,就是各國都存在對婦女歧視這件事。所謂的歧視就是沒有合理理由的歧視,讓某部份的人蒙受損失。而產生歧視的背景為多數人去支配少數人。雖然婦女佔世界人口的二分之一,但權力大部份掌握在男性手中。對婦女歧視的背景是由於男女固定型性別分工的觀念導致男性認為他們比女性優秀,讓支配女性的行為正當化。自古以來兩性就處在不平等的狀況。女性不管在生理與心理方面都處於一種被歧視的狀態。一九七九年一二月一八日聯合國第三四屆大會通過《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》(CEDAW),此公約自一九八一年九月生效,到二○○五年四月一一日為止,此公約共有180個締約國。此公約是一個有關保障婦女權利的國際公約。 此公約首先定義對婦女歧視,並在各種範圍舉凡政治、法律、經濟、就業、教育與家庭關係等,保障婦女的權利。公約設立一個消除對婦女歧視委員會,定期審查各締約國執行公約的進展。根據公約第一八條,各締約國有責任在公約對該國生效後一年內以及以後至少每四年,就該國執行公約各項規定向聯合國秘書長提出報告,而委員會也有義務在審議報告書後提出建議。委員會除了接受各締約國的政府報告書之外,也接受各非政府組織所提供的反論報告書。 到目前為止,日本政府提出五次政府報告書。透過公約的監督機制促進男女真正平等。消除對婦女歧視委員會一面檢討報告內容,一面透過委員會與政府代表的建設性對話,讓問題一個一個地展現出來。委員會所提出的提案及最終見解也影響到日本政府修改一些違反男女平等的國內法。雖然日本國內仍存在一些性別歧視問題,但是只要持續的努力,問題皆可一一解決的。 本論文的架構共分為六章。第一章為緒論。第二章為《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》之成立背景及制定過程。第三章介紹《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》之理念、內容、特色及監督機制之概說。第四章為公約對日本的影響。第五章分析日本五次政府報告書及消除婦女歧視委員會三次審議,日本政府所修改的法制度。第六章為本論文的結論,針對此公約對日本法制度的影響,期望能為台灣婦女找到更好且更能順應時代潮流的法制度。


Different traditions, cultures, religions and economic systems from different countries. However, there is one thing in common among all countries, that is discrimination against women. Usually, such kind of discrimination is irrational. Although women’s population is a half of all population of the world, yet the exact power holders, no doubt, are men. Due to the traditional stubborn conception that men contribute more labor than women in families or careers and that men are more capable than women, it seems right for men to dispose women, and thus results in discrimination against women, physically and psychologically. The 34th United Nations General Assembly, by resolution, adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) on December 18, 1979 and it entered into force on September 1981. Up to April 11, 2005, there are 180 state parties signed in this international Convention. In the Convention, the definition of “discrimination against women” is clearly stated that women’s rights in all fields including politics, judiciary, economy, employment, education and family relationship shall be properly protected. A committee for “discrimination against women” is established to implement the Convention. In accordance with article 18 of the Convention, State Parties undertake to submit to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for consideration by the Committee within one year after the entry into force for the State concerned; thereafter at least every four years and further whenever the Committee so requests. The Committee also receive the counter reports from NGO. Until now, Japanese government has submitted country report five times. By monitoring the implement of the present Convention to promote the real gender equality. In considering the country report and aggressively taking with “State Parties” represent the Committee can make the problems clear. The suggestion and final comments of Committee influence the Japanese law systems. Even there is still discrimination against women in Japan, I believe Japanese government can resolve the above problems. The Thesis is divided into six chapters: Chapter I. Introduction, Chapter II. The background and process of the Convention on Elimination of All Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Chapter III. The concept and monitor system of the Convention, Chapter IV. The influence of the Convention for Japanese law systems, Chapter V. Japanese government’s report and, ChapterVI. Conclusion of in-depth consideration of the protection of the right to women.


40巻3号、 pp.57-59。
10. 許慶雄 (2001) 《中華民國如何成為國家》,初版,臺北:前衛。
1. 『Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women』, C’wealth Secretariat, 1988.
2. 『Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women』,
United Nations, 2000.


