  • 學位論文


The application of the graphic organizers in primary social studies-the country map instructional website

指導教授 : 顧大維


當國人在高喊:「孩子,我要你比我更國際」的同時,要培養出具國際觀的學童,其最根本的基礎乃在於鄉土鄉育。由鄉土出發,能愛護自己的家鄉,才能進而尊重別人的鄉土、適應多元文化社會,也才能具有世界觀的胸襟與視野。目前國小四年級社會學習領域即以認識家鄉的鄉土課程為主要學習內容。 然而,在進行國小四年級社會學習領域關於家鄉之鄉土教學的相關研究時,不少學者皆提到,教師常常遇到教學資源不足,必需自製教材的問題。因此,本研究遵循教學系統化設計(instructional system design)模式,依照分析、設計和發展步驟,建置融入圖形組織之鄉土地圖教學網站,以教師為主要使用對象,目的在於協助教師進行國小四年級社會學習領域之教學。在完成網站建置後,研究者邀請六位教師運用本研究之網站於八周的實際教學活動中,並於教學活動完成後,針對教師、專家及學習者進行評鑑,以了解教師、專家及學習者對於本研究之教學網站的看法與建議。本研究結果如下: 一、圖形組織的融入是可行的。 二、圖形組織宜有更多樣、更活潑的融入方式。 三、訓練教師熟悉圖形組織是必需的。 四、教學網站需提供更多元的練習與評量。 五、一般教室硬體設備嚴重不足。 六、在電腦教室上課,人機互動性佳,師生互動性差。 七、將教學內容融入於遊戲,能有效提昇學習者的學習動機與興趣。


If we hope our children are able to fit into the era of the internationalization even more, teaching our childern to cherish our own culture and hometown environment are the first important things to do. The scope of the study is the section called“hometown”for the forth grade students. Even through it is a critical content for our kids, the limited and insufficient resources and teaching materials hinder the quality teaching and learning. Therefore, the current research followed the instructional system design model, analysis, design and development, and incorporated the graphic organizers to create a country map instructional website for teaching. The targeted users are elementary school teachers and the purpose of the study is to help the teacher to enhance the teaching in the fourth grade social studies in the elementary school. After completed the construction of the website, six teachers has been invited to use the website as the main teaching tool in class activities for eight weeks. When the eight weeks period finished, a questionnaire investigation to the teacher, instructional design expert and learner have been conducted.This results of study are as follows: 1. The incorporating of graphic organizers into social study is feasible. 2. The graphic organizers should integrate to teaching in various ways. 3. The graphic organizers is important to teaching and the in-service training is necessary. 4. Instructional websites need to offer more exercise and assessment. 5. The hardware equipment of general classroom is insufficient to run the computerized presentation. 6. Even through the man-machine interface is well designed but the interaction of teachers and students is poor in the computer classroom. 7. Well integrated the course content and games will promote the motivation and interest of learners.


