  • 學位論文


A Study On The Guided Teaching Of Composition For The Use Of Vocational Supplementary High School Students

指導教授 : 崔成宗


本研究的主要目的,在於運用「引導式作文」題型設計,作為高職進修學校學生寫作訓練之教學方法,期能提升高職進修學校學生語文表達能力與寫作興趣。重點在於以高職進修學校一年級學生為研究對象,藉由學生的表現,重新審視高職進修學校作文教學窒礙難行的問題,希望在省思中建構出有效的作文教學策略,解決教學上的問題。 根據上述目的,本研究之教學實驗參酌台北市教育局指導高職國文輔導團所編製之「高職學生作文語文能力補救教材」為自編教材的基礎,學生作文之評分標準參考「國民中學學生基本學力測驗推動工作委員會」網站所公布之「評分規準」,製定本研究所需之作文評定量表,加上郭祖珮編製之「寫作興趣問卷」及自編之寫作訓練課程教案作為研究工具。 本研究得到以下之結論: 一、經過實驗處理之後,本研究對象於「立意取材」、「組織結構」、「敘寫論述」與「格式、錯別字與標點符號」各分項寫作能力已有顯著提升,本研究認為學生已獲得進步。 二、經過實驗處理之後,本研究對象於「遣詞造句」分項寫作能力表現呈現不穩定現象,本研究認為學生未獲得進步。 三、經過實驗處理之後,本研究對象於「寫作感受」、「寫作動機」、「寫作習慣」等表現上並無顯著差異,本研究認為學生之寫作興趣並未因此而提升。 本研究的結果顯示,短期而密集式的「引導式作文」教學課程可能提昇學生的寫作技巧與語文表達能力,其「生活化」與「減低立意取材上必須耗費的時間壓力」的兩項特點,有助於學生內化寫作訓練策略。然而,「引導式作文」教學法仍無法在較短的時期內有效培養學生濃厚之寫作興趣,亦不能立即改變學生根深柢固的寫作觀念。


The purpose of this research is, by examining high school students’ and practicing teachers’ difficulties, to look for effective and efficient teaching methods that can enhance high school students’ skills in their article composing. The researcher develops a ‘student composition evaluation scale’ for this research, according to the teaching materials and student evaluation codes, both offered by the Department of Education, Taipei City Government; and a questionnaire survey was conducted as the methodology of this research. Findings of this research are as followed: By applying the teaching materials and guided composition teaching methods: 1. the subjects of this research (i.e. high school students) have improved their composition skills in terms of forming conceptions, structuring, discoursing, wording, and punctuation; however 2. students’ sentence-making capability is unstable and thus not improved; and 3. students’ affections to composition, motivation, and writing habits do not gain improvements. This research’s conclusions are: (1) intensive training by applying guided composition teaching methods and help students to internalize article-writing skills and thus composing articles reflecting their daily lives under time limit; however, (2) guided composition teaching methods fail to build up students’ writing interests and their conventional ideas regarding article-writings.


董崇選《文學創作的理論與班課設計》 黎明文化事業股份有限公司,民國79年元月。
蔡雅泰〈從創作本質談作文教學策略〉 《師友月刊》,467期,民國95年。


