  • 學位論文


The Study of City Competitiveness Indicators: A Case of ChungLi City

指導教授 : 黃一峯


城市是各國和地區的資源集結點、經濟發展的火車頭,更是各項創新的領導中心。因此,城市的發展在相當程度上決定著國家的發展;許多國家的經驗顯示,城市化程度往往標誌了一國之現代化水準。因此,城市競爭力成為重要課題,從而衡量城市競爭力的指標,亦值得深入探討。 本文旨在以中壢市為研究對象,建立適合該市的競爭力指標。作者首先檢視城市競爭力的相關文獻,參考WEF的架構,整理城市競爭力指標內涵,設計結構式問卷,第一階段先針對專家進行調查,並以內容效度係數(Content Validity Ratio,CVR)篩選指標,再將修訂後的問卷,分送行政官員、民意代表及專家學者填答,並以主成份分析萃取中壢市競爭力的三類指標。 本研究自全球化趨勢、科技應用、基礎建設、交通及資訊的發展、經濟的表現、企業和政府的效率各個面向,篩選中壢市的競爭力指標,包括土地、公告地價的變動、城市面貌的改變、商圈的轉移、文化休閒生活的發展等,並歸類為三生環境(生活環境、生態環境、生產環境)指標。研究發現可以作為城市理想或未來努力方針,作為訂定策略目標及行動計劃的依據,亦可以作為市政績效的考核工具。


Cities are the resource centers for the country and the area. They are also the “locomotives” for economic development and the leading centers for various innovations. The development of cities, to some extent, determines the development of the country. After years of experiences of national development, it indicated that the degree of urbanization quite often can predict the level of modernization of a country. For this resson, urban competitiveness become an important topic, it’s worthy to study of urban competitiveness measurement in more details. This thesis took the ChungLi City as the research subject, and tried to build up the adaptable competitiveness indicators. The author reviewed the research literature related to urban competitiveness and was inspired by the structure of WEF which derive the urban competitiveness indicators for designing the structural questionnaire. The focus of the first stage of this study was to verify the expert content validity for the questionnaire by using CVR (Content Validity Ratio) to reduce indicators items. In second stage, the modified questionnaire was distributed to city administrators, representatives of city council and academic scholars to rate the importance and frequency of indicators. The factor analysis with principle component was employed to extract three major categories of competitiveness indicators for ChungLi city. This thesis sifted the urban competitiveness indicators of ChungLi city from globalization, techniology application, infrastructure, communications, information development, economic, efficiency of goverment and enterprise, which included land-related factors, changes of government-assessed-land-prices, the changes of the city appearances, the tranfer of shopping districts and the development of culture and leisure life. Finally, categorized the indicators of competitiveness to three directions of living, ecology and production. Based on the dimensions of globalization, technology applications, infrastructure construction, transportation and information development, economical growth, efficiency of government and business sector, this thesis categorized competitiveness indicators into three contextual dimensions of living, ecology, and growth. The research findings can be used as the strategic goals for city development to set up following action plans and criterion of staff performance evaluation.


