  • 學位論文

協力治理應用於眷村改建之研究 -以桃園縣陸光新城為例-

A Research for the Collaborative Governance in Re-establishing the Servicemen's Residential Compound: A Case Study of Tao-Yuan Lu-Kwan New City

指導教授 : 陳志瑋


近年來社會面臨急速變遷、政經環境惡化及政府公部門大力推動民營化政策之趨勢下,產生一股如何營造有利環境增加誘因讓私部門更有機會參與之風潮。本研究以陸光新城改建為例,透過國內外有關公私協力治理文獻之探討,並諮詢熟悉眷改議題領域專家,包含建築師、自治會會長、眷戶代表及就各層級軍眷服務單位推動老舊眷村改建相關人員進行訪談分析,歸納出目前眷村改建的執行情形和窒礙因素,以及國防部等相關單位推動協力治理模式應用的限制與挑戰。 眷村改建工作係屬都市更新之一環,由於各縣市個別眷村區位條件不同,除已規劃完成或正進行新建工程外,其餘都應在各地方縣市政府市政建設計畫指導下,研訂出整體更新都市改建計畫及確定眷村最佳利用方式,以共同達成合理完善使用都市計畫內土地、美化市容景觀、提昇生活居住環境品質,健全都市發展等多重目標。最後並針對國軍老舊眷村改建與都市更新及社區總體營造之關連性作一說明,並闡述如何運用協力治理之模式於眷改工作上提出看法及建議,期能對未來老舊眷村改建工作提昇效能、縮短改建期程做出貢獻。


For the research of this private public partnership, we called collaborative and discussion of the reestablishment of the military dependence's residential compound of Lu-Kwan New City domain expert to refurbish topic to consult, we focused on the references analysis and choice of architecture, residential compound households of representative, etc., analyzes via the analysis of the questionnaire to the policy of general headquarters, and gather together a view exactly familiar to the refurbishment relevant of personnel and expert. The factors of change for military related departments, is pushed to the limit, this must be compensated for. Research has come up with related policies and suggestions and look forward to helping and the implementing of the reestablished policies. It is very important to the development of the city and the community as a whole. Because the developed of the military dependence's residential compound is one development for the city, so except for the different conditions of the military dependence's residential compound, that under construction and completed the plans, other plans should be under county government instruction and find optimized methods, for the development of the city. To achieve more reasonable city plans to beautify the cities scenery, to increase the environmental quality and development of the city, etc. Finally giving the suggestion of how to use the private-public partnership relation can be developed of the military dependence's residential compound.


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