  • 學位論文


Design and Development of Web-based Courseware for Digital Audio Processing Course

指導教授 : 李世忠


科技的迅速發展帶來學習環境的革新,數位科技也讓學習成為高科技與學習策略設計的整合。在數位學習課程教材發展中,影音製作編輯過程十分重要,且其步驟性操作流程性質屬於心理動作技能學習領域,經過文獻探討與專家訪談發現,傳統課堂實體教學中有以下問題:缺乏適當的範例、缺乏課堂練習時間、過多的教學內容及缺乏順序的學習。本研究以「數位音訊處理」課程為例,規劃「數位音訊處理」網路課程之內容,並且運用系統化教學設計之理念,分析、設計、發展和評鑑「數位音訊處理」網路課程教材,希冀藉由網路教學之特性與優勢改善上述之教學問題。 本研究之文獻探討分為「網路教學」、「網路課程教材設計」、與「數位音訊處理課程」三部份,藉由網路課程教材之策略、方法、與媒體呈現之文獻綜整來設計本研究之課程,並透過內容分析統整國內外相關課程,彙集「數位音訊處理」課程之適切內容,以設計教材之課程內容與學習活動。再者,本研究依循系統化教學設計模式,藉以分析、設計、發展、與形成性評鑑,利用數位學習教材製作軟體為工具來進行教材發展,並將教材置入於WebCT教學平台。最後,透過專家訪談及學習者訪談進行形成性評鑑,以提供課程教材之品質修正與改進,盼望研究成果能提供淡江大學教育科技學系之網路課程運用,並成為相關教材發展之參考。


The rapid development of technology enhances the innovation of learning environment, and it also promotes e-learning become a tool to integrate and support higher technology and learning strategies design. According to the needs analyses and expert reviews, major problems with this kind of class instruction are: lack of appropriate visual examples, lack of in class practice, overloaded contents and disordered learning sequence. As the audio processing courseware belongs to the psychomotor domain and the audio and video editing are very important to develop the e-learning courseware. The purpose of this study focuses on the design and development of web-based courseware for Digital Audio Processing. Following the instructional design model, this study analyses, designs, develops and evaluates the web-based courseware of Digital Audio Processing Course to solve the instructional problem. Literature review of this study focused on “web-based learning”, “web-based courseware development”, and ”digital audio processing”. The curriculum of this courseware was developed with the analyses of major university Digital Audio processing courses. The design of the web-based courseware is based on the integration of learning strategies, method, instructional media and new technology tools. Appropriate learning activities and courseware design are implemented through WebCT platform. Formative evaluation data are collected from expert review and student evaluation to improve the courseware and learning environment.


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