  • 學位論文


The Regimen Of“Zun Sheng Bajian”

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


中國自古即有尊生、養生的傳統思想,對於如何延續生命,有著各種相關的論述。到了明代,由於經濟的成長帶動物質的發展,許多人開始希望能在縱情享樂的同時還能延年益壽,於是許多相關書籍紛紛出版,高濂的《遵生八牋》可說是其中集大成的代表作。高濂不僅止於理論敘述,更徹底從時間、空間、飲食、藥物、運動等各方面建立起實際的養生指導方式,但也因為它的過於龐雜而無法窺知其真正核心。故本文試著從《遵生八牋》中重新整理找出其實踐方式中最核心的部份,即在於「以時養生」的觀念。 第一章〈緒論〉中說明研究動機與目的,並對文本材料做一分析歸納。第二章〈作者之時代背景〉則將重心放置於作者之時代與其家世背景等相關問題,並對其展開討論,重新勾勒出高濂的生活背景與其生平事蹟。第三章〈《遵生八牋》的核心議題〉則透過閱讀分析八牋次序之安排及高濂之小序,認為八牋並非各自平行分立,而是有其次第性,其核心即展現在〈四時調攝牋〉中。第四章〈「依時養生」的實踐方式〉本章承前章所述,先將〈四時調攝牋〉的次序作一分析比對,找出其順序與分類,以回應「時」對於養生觀念之重要,並突顯出本文核心論證。第五章〈《遵生八牋》中其餘的相關課題〉則是將前章中所沒有談到的部份作一之歸納整理並重新呼應其遵生的課題。第六章〈結論〉則總結各章所述,重新回歸到高濂《遵生八牋》所包含的養生意義與其架構,建構出高濂本身對於「養生」這一議題的見解與其實踐方式。


遵生八牋 高濂 養生思想


For five thousand years, The Chinese have developed a philosophy of respecting and preserving life. “How to keep in a good heath” has always been a popular study subject among scholars. Throughout Chinese history, a huge amount of writings and researches about regimens were published. Especially during the Ming Dynasty, because of strong economy growth, the burgeoning middle class began to crave for knowledge of regimes while pursuing mundane pressure. As a result, a number of masterpieces were released during that time. Among the classics of regimens, Gao Lian’s research publication, “Zun Sheng Bajian”, is the most prominent one. In this book, Gao Lian not only provided theoretical arguments, but also introduced practical examples of keeping fit. He compiled his studies based on various perspectives such as time, space, diet, medicine, and exercise. However, aside from being influential, “Zun Sheng Bajian” consists of complicated structures of content, which prevent modern study from understanding the core of Gao Lian’s theories. Therefore, this article will concentrate on the essence of the book, “the Timing Approach of Regimens”, and hope to set a paradigm for further studies of “Zun Sheng Bajian”. The first chapter (preface) explains the motivation and goal of this research, along with analysis and conclusion of relevant materials. The second chapter (background of the author) focuses on Gao lian’s biography and the then contemporary development of regimens-study. The third chapter (the theories of “Zun Sheng Bajian”) goes through the “eight ways” of regimens proposed by Gao lian and concludes that the eight ways are vertically inter-related. The fourth chapter (the practice of regimens) analyzes, compares, and categorizes the eight ways, and highlights the concept of “the Timing Approach of Regimens”. The fifth chapter (other relevant issues) supplements minor issues that are not mentioned in the previous chapters. Finally, the sixth chapter (conclusion) sums up Gao Lian’s viewpoints of regimens, and reconstruct a contemporary outlook of “Zun Sheng Bajian”.


Zun Sheng Bajian Gao Lian regimen




