  • 學位論文


Volunteer Management and Social Ties in Temporary Organizations: A Case Study of Deposing A-Bian Movement

指導教授 : 韓釗


組織利用志工分擔部份業務與提供人力支援協助組織正常運作的情況日益普遍,如何在缺乏正式的組織架構的前提下,招募志工前來支援並進行有效管理,乃成為臨時性組織運作的重要課題之一。倒扁運動為一臨時性發起的政治性群眾運動,本研究以倒扁運動如何運用鏈結招募志工,以及活動參與過程中志工鏈結發生何種變化主要的探討焦點,並提出下列五點主要研究發現: 一、在倒扁運動的鏈結關係中,本研究發現複式鏈結的存在,即透過不同的社交互動關係,同一對偶關係的鏈結主體間可能產生數種不同情感類型,使雙方的鏈結關係中複合多種情感而形成。雙方複合的情感數目越多,代表兩者間的信任標的越多,雙方間的鏈結強度越強。 二、過去學者認為,強鏈結可提供實質的幫助,而弱鏈結則有助於消息與理念的傳遞與擴散。然而,透過倒扁運動的觀察,弱鏈結對象亦會基於理念認同的條件下提供實質協助。 三、部分倒扁志工在活動過程中,因互動過程的不愉快而產生互斥鏈結。互斥鏈結雙方不願相互合作並產生彼此排斥的行為,成為倒扁運動中志工管理的一大難題。 四、間接鏈結容易造成訊息傳遞的不完整與訊息扭曲的現象發生。間接鏈結雙方可能藉由一位或兩位以上的橋接者產生鏈結關係,以致訊息或理念在傳達的過程中,可能因橋接者的誤解或簡化而產生與原始意念不同的結果,而形成訊息紊亂或訊息扭曲。 五、部分志工間的初始鏈結狀態因互動過程中產生的信任或不信任變化而發生強度上的改變。志工間的信任程度增加或不信任程度降低,兩者間的鏈結強度將隨之增加;反之,若兩者間的信任程度降低、不信任程度增加,志工間的鏈結強度將因此削弱。 臨時性組織自籌劃伊始,極可能面對難以預期的情勢變遷與挑戰。臨時成立的組織如何在艱困的環境下,募集足夠的志願工作者協助組織達成目標並宣揚組織理念,成為志工管理中相當重要的一項課題。本研究希望透過倒扁運動志工鏈結關係的探討,瞭解志工的來源與互動情形,以期作為未來臨時性組織志工管理之參考。


Recently, more and more organizations tend to recruit volunteers to assist their operations. As a result, how to attract volunteers and manage them effectively has become one of the major issues of many organizations. The deposing A-Bian movement was initiated by a temporary organization which was operated mostly by an informal structure. This research focused on the following issues: how did Deposing A-Bian Movement involve volunteers through different strength of ties, and how did the strength of ties change over time when the volunteers interacted with each other. The primary findings of this research are as follows: First, multiple ties are found to exist between two subjects depending on their past interactions. In other words, two subjects may develop more than one emotional links through different social activities. Multiple ties tend to result in a greater degree of mutuality between two actors that may in turn lead to a higher level of trust and increase the closeness between them at a later stage. Second, previous studies proposed that strong ties tended to provide beneficial help, whereas weak ties tended to help the spread of information and ideas. However, the findings of this research showed that weak ties might also be able to provide effective help as long as two actors had identical values or opinions toward the end of an action (e.g., deposing A-Bian in this case). Third, mutually exclusive ties may present when there exist irreconcilable conflicts between two volunteers. Unhappy experiences regarding previous interactions tend to result in distrust that in turn decreases the willingness of the volunteers to cooperate with each other. The mutually exclusive ties, once formed, may result in greater difficulties in the process of volunteer management. Fourth, indirect ties tend to result in information filtering and information distortion. Since two subjects are connected through one or more bridge people, the misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the bridge people about the original message usually distorts communication these two subjects. Finally, the changes of the level of trust and distrust in the process of interactions between two volunteers tend to change the strength of their initial tie. In general, The increase of trust or the decrease of distrust tends to strengthen the ties. On the contrary, the decrease of trust or the increase of distrust tends to weaken the ties. Temporary organizations may encounter unpredictable conditions and challenges from the very beginning. Since many temporary organizations have to rely on volunteers to assist them in the process of completing their missions, how to effectively recruit and manage volunteers has become an important issue of volunteer management. By studying the strength of ties among volunteers in the Deposing A-Bian Movement, this research intends to explore the formation process of volunteer networks and the factors that may have effects on the strength of ties so as to provide recommendations managing volunteers in other organizations.


李淑珺(譯)(2000)。志工實務手冊。台北:張老師文化事業股份有限公司。(McCurley, S.、Lynch, R.,1996)
