  • 學位論文


U.S.-Taiwan Military Relations: Evolution, Assessment and Prospect, 1996-2008

指導教授 : 黃介正


美國於1978 年與中國建交,並與台灣斷交,此後美國和台灣 就開始相當奇妙且特別的關係;美台雙方在「台灣關係法」與「六 項保證」等文件與言論發表下展開各種正式與非正式、官方與非官 方的管道來維繫外交關係,以使美國在其對「中」政策與對台政策 之間取得平衡點。 自 1994 年以來,中國的軍事預算每年以兩位數的成長率快速 成長,中國國防實力的成長,儼然成為美國對台軍事交流上不得不 審慎評估的問題。在1995 到1996 年台海危機發生時,美國派遣了 兩大航母群到台灣海峽,對中國有了嚇阻作用,避免中國對台灣有 任何的武力行為。從此延伸了美國和台灣的軍事合作進而從軍售、 軍事技術支援、轉移、情報交流,進展為美國重派正式武官並加強 雙邊的武器整合、人員訓練等合作。但同時,美國也維持其與中國 與日俱增的合作關係。所以,美國與任何一方維持必要之軍事交 流,同時也展現出其維持勢力平衡的決心。 研究發現台美軍事交流模式是受到台美中三邊關係的改變影 響。研究也發現,在美國需中國協助處理包括北韓核武危機或全球 反恐戰爭在內等非傳統安全威脅的現在,美國亦未輕易減少對台軍 售的層級與數量;但在另一方面,美國與台灣在軟性的軍事交流層 面,則較易受台美關係的轉變所影響,其中最明顯的就是雙邊的高 層軍事對話。 所以,台美軍事互動關係受美國對台政策或美國對「中」政策 影響,而上述三者均受美國國家利益及其戰略安全利益的考量而改 變。


In 1978, U.S. established its official diplomatic ties with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and ended its ties with Taiwan, the Republic of China (ROC). From that day on, U.S. and Taiwan began its very unusual and unique relationship; under U.S. Government official documents and statements such as the “Taiwan Relations Act” and “Six Assurances”, the U.S. and Taiwan maintained its unofficial relations through various quasi-official and non-official channels. This has helped the U.S. maintain the balance between its China and Taiwan policy respectively. Generally speaking, the “Three Communiqués” between U.S. and the PRC along with the “Taiwan Relations Act” serve as the main framework for U.S.-China-Taiwan trilateral relations. Since 1994, China's military spending has risen with double-digit percentages annually; the swift modernization of China’s military capabilities has become a focal issue in U.S.-Taiwan military exchange. During the Taiwan Strait Missile Crisis in 1995 through1996, U.S. deployed two aircraft carriers to the Strait to deter China’s possible use of force against Taiwan. Consequently, U.S. and Taiwan military cooperation has expanded from arms sales, technical guidance and transfer and intelligence cooperation to deploying official military attaches and enhancing weapon integration and personnel training. In the meantime, U.S. has continued to improve its cooperation with China. As U.S. attempts to maintain military-to-military relations with both sides of the Strait, it has also showed its determination to maintain the balance of power in the Strait. This study finds that U.S.-Taiwan military exchange has been affected by the dynamics of U.S.-China-Taiwan trilateral relations. The study also finds that even though the U.S. needs China’s assistance in issues such as North Korea nuclear crisis and global war on terrorism, it has not reduced nor downgraded its arms sales to Taiwan. In addition, the study finds U.S.- Taiwan’s “soft” military exchange is more easily influenced by the changes of U.S.-Taiwan relations, which is most evident in high-level military dialogue. In conclusion, U.S.-Taiwan military interaction is affected by U.S. policies to both Taiwan and China; and the relationship among the three actors has been guided by the U.S. perceptions on its own national interests and security strategy.


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