  • 學位論文


The Research of School Lives and Happiness of Junior High School Students in Yonghe District in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 楊國賜


永和地區國民中學學生經常是「不快樂的」,而最讓學生感到不快樂的是「學習生活」表現,愈高年級的國中學生,幸福感受愈低,本研究旨在透過文獻分析方法與問卷調查法,探討永和地區國中學生在校生活與幸福感之關係,以利學校、導師與家長重視並選擇重要措施關注學生成長階段的感受。 本研究結果發現: 1.「飲食生活」之早餐規律有城鄉差距,高度發展城市之學童早餐規律低於鄉鎮,「健康自覺」明顯下降,也影響「在校生活」表現,當今社會,每個家庭追求經濟高所得,雙薪家長以代金形式方便學童自理早餐,受不了物質誘惑的學生省下早餐變相儲蓄換取奢侈品。 2.「運動與活動生活」是現階段升學壓力之下,男學生自我紓解考試不斷,分數挫折感的替代性補償行為,挫折愈大,運動與活動需求次數多,與成人運動習慣比較下,可惜的是,當挫折心情平復後,對運動與活動的需求便消失。 3.「正向認知」是「幸福感」分層面中,得分最低的區塊,顯示現階段國中生普遍面對升學與分數挫敗結果,毫無因應的轉化策略,如(失敗為成功之母)、(再試一下)或(一枝草一點露)類似心理輔導技巧,學校教育或教師班級經營,應再多關注在「學習生活」低表現後段的學童身上,來補救現階段國民中學教育制度無法提升學生幸福的現況。


國民中學 在校生活 幸福感


Junior high school students in Yonghe District are usually “unhappy.” What caused the unhappiness is the “academic performance.” The older junior high school students they are, the less happiness they think they have. The study aimed to discuss the relationship between the school lives of junior high school students in Yonghe District and their happiness by literature analysis and questionnaire investigation to allow schools, teachers and parents to pay attention, select important measures and concern about students’ feeling in their path of growth. The result of the study revealed that: 1. There is city and county differences occurred in “diet” of the breakfast pattern. Students in highly developed cities have lower breakfast pattern than countries with significant lower “health awareness” that also affect their “academic performance.” Nowadays, every family is pursuing high economical income, causing the students to have money from their double income parents for taking care of their breakfast. Those who can’t stand the temptation of material would save the breakfast money for other luxuries. 2.“Sport and exercises” are boy students’ behavior of alternative compensation to relieve the pressure from continuous tests and frustration of grades under the academic stress currently. The higher the frustration is, the more times of sport and exercises needed than the adult exercise habit. It’s a shame that the demand of sport and exercises disappeared when there is no long frustration occurred. 3.“Positive recognition” has the lowest score in the sub-division of “happiness” which revealed that the students have no transform strategy toward academic and grade frustration results, such as the consultation of “failure is the mother of success,” “try again,” and “heaven must be a way.” School education or teachers’ class operation should focus more on those students who have lower academic performances to make up for the current status that there is no happiness improvement occurred in junior high school education system.


Junior high school school lives happiness


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