  • 學位論文


The Study of Outsourcing Management of Public Arts and Cultural facilities: Case Study of "Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei. "

指導教授 : 曾冠球


現今社會大眾的需求逐漸增加、龐雜,公部門早已無法以一己之力滿足這些索求,也促使公部門開啟了公共服務委外的契機。無獨有偶,公有藝文設施的營運工作,也開始以政府委託外包的方式進行營運管理。但在公有藝文設施委託給民間企業營運的合約告一段落後,卻往往面臨到藝文場館的後續營運沒有其他民間企業、團隊願意接受委託的景況。 本研究便欲探討造成公有藝文設施無法穩定持續委託民間資本經營管理的原因。將自公有藝文設施被賦予的特殊價值與期待作切入,並藉由觀察分析「台北當代藝術館」這樣一個以「準官方機構」模式運作的公有藝文設施實例,了解其無法單純委託外包給民間資本經營管理的原因。以及將公有藝文設施委託予此種兼具政府與民間資本的組織單位來經營,其相關的效益與影響為何? 本文的概略研究發現如下: (一)、為「節省政府人事與其他經費支出」,又需顧及「藝術經營管理的彈性」,公有藝文設施並不適合由公部門自行營運。 (二)、但礙於藝文場館既欠缺利潤誘因,又必須擔負社會教育責任,便委由「準官方機構」營運。其兼具民間單位之管理彈性,又同時具備穩定的財務支援,不失為一場館營運過渡時期的歸宿。 (三)、政府與受託單位的關係較緊密,雙方信任關係較易建立,溝通協調也較為暢通。 (四)、雙方對於藝術文化之推廣具有共識,更能相互配合將場館營運、藝術文化的推動上都能有所提升。


Citizens in a modern society have more and more demands on the government. The government tries to response these demands but is not able to satisfy all of them. Therefore, the government has been overloading. In order to resolve the problem, outsourcing becomes a resolution. More and more governmental affairs now outsourced to the private sectors. Simultaneously, public art and culture facilities are becoming the items for outsourcing as well. Nevertheless, there are many failed cases in Taiwan. The private agents who managed the public art and culture facilities are usually unwilling to renew the contracts. In order to figure out the reasons resulting in this situation, this study would like to use Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei as the case. Why the public art and culture facilities cannot attract private agents to have an inclination for management? Is it because some social expectations are given to the private art and culture facilities, and therefore result in conflicts between the public sector and the private agents? Through an intensive observation on the case of Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, the study is going to answer the mentioned questions. According to the analysis result, several research findings are revealed. First, in order to save the public expenditures and give considerations to the flexibility of art management, the public art and culture facilities had better not to be a governmental department. Second, as lacking of profit incentives and having social responsibilities, the art and culture facilities had better to be run by semi-public organizations, which may secure a stable financial support and enjoy management flexibility simultaneously. Third, if the art and culture facilities are outsourced to a semi-pubic organization, it will be easier to establish collaboration between the public sector and the organization. This enables they may have a better communication. Fourth, since the public sector and the organization have a common consensus, it will be much easier for them to promote art and culture. At the same time, any disputes between them on the management can be resolved easily.


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