  • 學位論文


The Research of IRS Applied In Senior High School Curriculum – Using Chinese language as an example

指導教授 : 陳慶帆


本研究旨在探討利用學生最常攜帶且熟悉操作的手持式裝置,透過校園無線網路,建構行動教室回饋系統,以學習者為中心的思考方式,在課堂中充分地、即時地表達意見,並即時與老師取得良好的互動與回饋,促進學習成效。   協同研究者為台北市市立某高中老師,曾參與過「按按按」即時回饋系統的研習,同時也是國文科學科中心資訊科技融入教學研習講師,及教育部專業學習社群(PLC)研習講師,對於即時回饋系統教學上的幫助及成效覺得很有興趣,但是該校並無「按按按」即時回饋系統的設備,而興起如何利用手邊科技解決現場教學的問題。   經由文獻探討發現「按按按」即時回饋系統仍有許多尚待解決的瓶頸:設備系統裝置費用昂貴無法普及、搖控器訊息接收不良造成教學阻礙、軟體安裝及系統使用者需要具備的科技素養過高,致使教師使用意願低落等,受限於題型的限制較無法引發學生高層次的思考,而使得課堂上互動的問題尚未有效的獲得解決。於是便興起了如何利用手邊的科技搭配教學策略來解決教學現場師生互動的問題。本研究採用文獻分析、訪談與問卷調查方式作為蒐集本研究資料的方法。   研究發現以行動裝置搭載的即時回饋系統可以有效的解決「按按按」即時回饋系統所面臨的瓶頸,可以讓尚無「按按按」即時回饋系統設備及在補助建置E化經費尚不足或未到位之前,提供老師一個改善教室互動與回饋的方案。   並從學習經驗問卷及老師及學生的訪談中得知,學生表示更有機會及在較無壓力下表達意見,覺得上國文課不再是單方面的聽講,學生有了參與感,增加了上課的樂趣,自然提昇了學習興趣與動機。學生對於未來是否能夠繼續使用即時回饋系統上課,寄予很大的期望。透過此研究,行動載具搭載的即時回饋系統對學生的學習方面是有正向的幫助。   使用行動載具搭載的即時回饋系統,確實增強了課堂師生之間的互動,也增加了學生與學生之間的討論與互動,並且也提供老師以及學生瞭解是否理解,以協助老師可以重新調整課程,針對學生學習感到困難的學習點進行反思與授課上的調整,同時老師及學生也表示,系統的操作十分簡單,容易上手。   在Socrative即時饋系統方面,建議申論問答題的答題內容,可以即時儲存,以便教師作為課後批閱檢視,以及發展中文版軟體介面,讓使用更為便利。


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the setting up of an ambulatory classroom feedback system through the Internet by using portable devices carried by and familiar to students. The system facilitates learners-centered thinking processes, expressing themselves fully and immediately in classrooms, maintaining prompt interaction with and feedback from teachers and learning results.   The collaborative researcher is a high school teacher in Taipei city, who has participated in the " press press press" real-time feedback system seminar, and is interested in the assistance and effectiveness of real-time feedback system on teaching , but the teacher’s school did not have the " press " equipment, so he thought of using technology at hand to solve the problem about teaching .   By literature review we found :there are still many unresolved problems with " Press Press Press " system.The system is too expensive to be popular , remote controllers’ poor signal reception interferes teaching processes ,the installation of software and system users requires high technology knowledge, resulting in teachers’ low motivation to use it. Restricted by question type, it can’t induce students’ high level thinking, and it leaves the classroom interaction problem still not effectively solved. So we try too use technology at hand combined with teaching strategies to solve the problem of teacher-student interaction on teaching spots .We used literature analyses, interviews and questionnaires as data collecting methods of this study.   The study found a mobile device equipped with real-time feedback system can resolve the " Press Press Press " problem effectively. It provides a solution to the problem of lack of " Press Press Press " when equipments or subsidies of E-funding is still inadequate or unavailable for teachers to improve interaction and feedback in classrooms.   Through learning experience questionnaires and interviews with teachers and students, it was found: students had more opportunities to express their points of view in a less stress situations, the Chinese class was no longer a single-sided attendance, which enhanced the students’ class participation, and increased the fun of class, naturally enhance the learning interest and motivation. Students had great expectations of continually using real-time feedback systems for future classes, and had great expectations. Through this research, mobile devices equipped with instant feedback system helped with students’ learning positively.   Use of mobile devices equipped with instant feedback system indeed enhances classroom interaction between teachers and students, also increased the discussion and interaction between students, and helps teachers and students understand if they really understands the teaching content and assists teachers to adjust courses.It helps teachers reflect on teaching students with learning difficulty, and meanwhile teachers and students also said that the operating system is very simple and easy to use.   As to real-time feedback systems, answers of questions can be saved instantly, so that teachers can review it after classes, and developing of Chinese version of software interface allows the use more convenient.






