  • 學位論文

以心理彈性的觀點探討自閉症類群障礙症孩子父親的 親職壓力因應經驗之個案研究

Discussion of the Autism Spectrum Disorder child’s Father’s Parenting Stress Coping Experience from Psychological Flexibility Perspective

指導教授 : 李麗君


本研究旨在探討自閉症類群障礙症孩子的父親一方面要負擔家庭主要經濟來源,另一方面要也照顧孩子,他所要面臨的親職壓力有那些?而在處理或解決親職壓力上,他又是以什麼樣的方式因應?以及父親心理彈性的樣態,對親職壓力因應方式的影響又是如何?本研究以Hayes的心理彈性理論為依據,透過深度訪談及內容分析的架構進行個案研究。 根據研究目的,本研究分析結果主要整理如下: (一) 在父親親職壓力下,困難兒童及親子互動困難是其主要壓力來源。(二) 在父親親職壓力裡,其因應的方式隨著教養的時間從早期的傳統打罵到後期尋求諮商協助。(三) 在父親親職壓力因應方式裡,看見了父親的接納、認知去混淆及存在於當下的心理彈。根據上述結果,對實務及後續研究提出具體建議供參考。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the autism child of father need to be in charge of family income, but he needs to take care of his child too. What kind of parenting stress is he dealing with? What does he cope with his parenting stress? How does the psychological flexibility affect the father’s parenting stress coping? The study is based on Hayes' theory of acceptance and commitment therapy, through the depth of interviews and content analysis Conduct case studies. According to the purpose of the study, the results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) In the father’s parental stress, difficult child and parent-child dysfunctional interaction are the main pressures (2) In the father’s parental stress, the method of coping has been changed from punishment to go to counseling (3) In the father’s parental stress coping, the father has been shown three elements of psychological flexibilities such as acceptance, cognitive defusion and being present. Based on the above results, practical and follow-up study to make specific recommendations for reference.


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