  • 學位論文


Parents' Expectation and Children's Career Performance

指導教授 : 林彥伶




This study investigates the influence of “expectations” on personal “performance.” The processes of growing up and learning for individuals are affected by various factors, including their family, school, and even self-expectations. However, the literature research on this topic is still lack of long-term observations, and most of literature only focused on short-term educational achievements. It need more research to verify the long-term effect of the Pygmalion effect. In this study, we use Taiwan Education Panel Survey and its extended survey on the labor market to examine the influence of expectations on personal performance. The expectations are parental educational expectation on their children and children’s self-education expectations, and the performance includes children’s short-term educational performance and long-term employment performance. Our empirical results show that parental expectation has significant impact on both of children’s education levels and salary in the labor market. Surprisingly, children self-expectation also has a significant positive impact on long-term or short-term performance, and its influence even larger than the effects of parental expectations. In other words, personal performance will be influenced by the parental expectation, but personal self-expectation has a greater impact on the long and short-term performance.The results represent personal education and job achievement are kinds of self-fulfilling, so that a higher self-expectation you have, the better performance that you will display.


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