  • 學位論文


The Effect of Serendipitous Events on Female Career Transition:A Narrative Research

指導教授 : 林怡君


本研究旨從女性的敘說訪談中,理解偶發事件對其生涯轉換的影響。研究參與者為一位志願性生涯轉換的女性,總共進行 6 小時的訪談,以半結構式的訪談方式進行資料蒐集。並採取敘說研究的方法論,以及「整體——內容」的資料分析方法,了解與其生涯轉換相關的偶發事件經驗及其內涵、以及對其生涯轉換所造成的影響和偶發事件對參與者的意義建構。藉由研究問題得出研究結果如下: 壹、偶發事件經驗的內涵分別為:意外非預期、靈性信仰的力量、親密關係的影響、連結人脈資源、對的時間與地點、負向的挫折經驗、重新審視自我生命價值、引發生涯轉換、社會氛圍與教育政策的影響、擴展自我的興趣、轉化自我概念。 貳、偶發事件的回應方式和過往研究結果相同的部分是研究參與者以好奇、堅持、彈性、樂觀、冒險的特質回應其偶發事件發生。除此之外,主動性和仁慈亦是在本研究中發現能夠正向開放面對其生涯轉換歷程中不確定的重要特質。 參、偶發事件對研究參與者的影響在於:改變工作路徑、增加學習與體驗、追求人生的意義、擴展未來生涯的想像、調適親密關係與自我實現的平衡需求;而對研究參與者的意義建構在於擴展個人對生命意義的靈性探究、對時間不可逆的反思與行動。最後並根據研究結果,對實務工作者說明其研究上的限制,並針對實務的運用與研究提出相關建議。


偶發事件 女性 生涯轉換


The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of serendipitous events on career transition through narrative interviews with a female participant. The study was conducted with a female participant who had aspirations to change her career, and was interviewed for a total of 6 hours in a semi-structured format Data collection. The methodology of narrative research and the "whole-content" approach to data analysis were adopted to understand the serendipitous events related to their career transition. Including event experience,the meaning of serendipitous events to participants, and the effect of serendipitous events on their career transitions. The research results obtained from the research questions are as follows: The connotations of serendipitous events are: unexpectedness, the power of spirituality, the impact of intimacy, and connecting with personal resources. The right time and right place, negative frustrating experiences, reflection of the value of one's life, triggering a career transition,The influence of social atmosphere and educational policies, expanding self-interest, and transforming self-concept. Serendipitous events are responded to in the same way as past research results. Participants respond to their serendipitous events with curiosity, persistence, flexibility, optimism, and risk-taking, in addition to initiative and kindness. It is an important attribute found in this study to be the ability to open up positively to face uncertainties in their career transition process. The effect of serendipitous events on the participants of the study was in the following : changing work paths, enhancing learning and experience,pursuing meaning in life, expanding the imagination of future careers,adjusting the balance between intimacy and self-realization; and constructing the meaning of research participants is to expand the individual's spiritual exploration of the meaning of life, irreversible reflection and action on time.Finally, based on the results of the study, we will explain the limitations of the study to practitioners and make recommendations for the application and research of the study.


