  • 期刊


Psychosocial and Physical Characteristics of Tattoo Behaviors among Draftees


目前國內對刺青行為探討大多侷限於部分特殊族群,較少整體性的研究,而台灣的兵役制目前為義務役,大多數男子均需參加役男體檢,可以提供一個良好的機會去探究台灣青年男子刺青行為與健康的相關因素。本研究為一橫斷性研究,針對苗栗縣全年接受兵役體檢者研究,比較刺青者與其他未刺青役男的B、C肝炎帶原情形及其他血液檢查結果,同時利用自編問卷進行調查,探討刺青行為與人口學變項、家庭社會環境因素及不健康行為表現變項等相關。 研究結果顯示,刺青者盛行率為13.0%,初次刺青的年齡為16.4 歲;刺青部位以上臂居多;數量為一處最多;顏色上選擇單色佔94.6%;刺青總面積大於體表面積1/6人數居多;刺青圖案所象徵意義有61.2%人表示是無特殊意義;刺青地點主要在朋友家中佔69.0%;操作者也是朋友或同學居多;在刺青的動機上49.7%人認為好奇好玩;個案對刺青的滿意程度僅有18.4%感到滿意;希望去除刺青者佔41.2%。刺青者與未刺青者在人口學變項(職業、教育、 犯罪紀錄…)、家庭社會環境因素(父母婚姻、好朋友刺青人數…)及不健康行為表現(抽菸、喝酒習慣…)均有顯著差異。刺青與未刺青役男在B型肝炎比率有明顯差異。 我們建議要提高青少年對刺青的認知,加強對刺青役男的健康管理,考慮將刺青館納入衛生單位管理及增加去除刺青管道的衛生宣導。




This study investigated the negative health behaviors, psychosocial and physical characteristics of tattoo behavior among draftees in Taiwan. A cross-sectional survey was conducted for draftees of Miao-li County in 2003, when they attended draftee's physical examination. We compared the proportion of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other serological data between tattooed draftees and the none-tattooed ones, and assessed the relation of psychosocial, negative health behaviors and tattoo behavior by using a questionnaire. The tattooed prevalence among the draftees was 13.0%, and their average first time of tattooed was 16.4 years old. The tattoo position was mostly on the upper arm, and the tattoo marks were mostly concentrated on single position. The 94.6% of the tattoo was in single color. Most of the covered area of tattoo was more than 1/6 of the body surface. There were 61.2% of the tattooed people who thought no symbolic meaning in their tattoo patterns. There were 69% of them got tattooed at friend's house, and the tattoo also mostly made by friends or classmates. There were 49.7% of them had their tattoo due to curiosity or fun. But only 18.4% of them feel satisfied about their tattoo. There were 41.2% of them hoped to remove it. The tattoo behavior were significantly associated with some demographic variables, psychosocial factors and negative health behaviors. The difference in the proportion of hepatitis B between the tattooed draftees and none-tattooed ones was significant. We suggest that promote the understanding of tattoo among teenagers, strengthen the health management for the tattooed men in military, and rule the tattoo shops managed by health organizations, and enhance the better management of the problem.


tattoo draftee health behavior


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