  • 期刊


The Reflection in the Cognition of Body and Movement of School Dance Professionals Based on the Viewpoint of Somatics


由「身體」產生的「動作」建構了舞蹈的形式,一位舞蹈教師對身體的態度與人體動作的認知,會深遠地影響其教學、訓練、表演及創作。「身體」是與生俱有的條件,而「動作」更是人體自然本能的呈現;就因為太理所當然,而容易只重視其呈現於外的表象,常常忽略其深層意涵,以及因輕忽的對待身體而造成教學與訓練上的不良影響。同樣以「身體」為出發點,探究人體「動作」現象與意義的身心學(Somatics),源起於個人為了解決自己身體上的一些問題,或是對身體現象的好奇,進而對自我「身體」的重新探索與體悟;隨著不斷體驗的過程和經驗的累積,匯集了對「動作」的不同看法,並形成許多不同派別之身體的調整方法。這些不同派別的技巧,基本上有其共通的身體觀與對「動作」的見解,因而逐漸形成一個以「身體」為重點,進行身體現象、動作體驗與分析的新領域。它的觀點可以提供舞蹈教育者另一個對「身體」與「動作」不同的思考角度。本文透過文獻分析,匯整身心學之各派技巧中有關「身體」與「動作」的觀點,反省國內學校舞蹈教育中對「身體」與「動作」的認知與態度,再對照Carol-Lynne Moore所提出的身體隱喻,進而提出不同的思考角度,供學校舞蹈教育專業人員,一個重新檢視自我對「身體」與「動作」之觀點和態度的機會。


身體 動作 身心學 學校舞蹈教育


Dance is formed by the movement of the human body. For a dancer or dance teacher, his/her attitude of body and the knowledge of human movement will influence so deeply in his/her dance teaching, training, performing and choreography. The body is the main medium for movement and self expression. The awareness of the existence of self, an object, a person, or a situation is embodied in the human body. However, most of people always emphasize on its appearance and ignore the internal meaning and the value of body itself, which leads to an improper philosophy of body training and movement teaching.Focusing on the awareness and the intimate relationship between mind and body, the central study of Somatics bases itself on the reciprocity between sensing and moving. Considered the body to be a self-sensing and self-moving organism, the content of first-person perception in somas is experience. Emphasizing the experience of natural movement and the self-healing function of body instead of the dualistic aspect of the objective body, many somatic practitioners point out their viewpoint about body and movement. They created and developed many different schools of somatic approaches in education and therapy, which could offer a different perspective to re-think about the human body.In this paper, the concept of ”body” and ”movement” from different somatic approaches was researched by literature review. The reflection of the dance teachers' cognition and attitude of body in School Dance Educational Program, and the inspiration from Carol-Lynne Moore's body metaphor was studied to provide dance teachers with a chance for reflecting self attitude toward human body and movement.


Somatics body metaphor dance education


