  • 學位論文


The Global Logistics Hub Competition-The Competitive Strategy Analysis for the Seven East Asian Air-Cargo Parks and Free Trade Zones

指導教授 : 魏啟林
共同指導教授 : 陳文華(Wun-Hwa Chen)


隨著近年東亞貿易版圖快速擴增,衍生出廠商龐大的運輸需求,使得東亞各地政府,紛紛開始興建新機場或擴建原機場,並將機場週邊腹地與自由貿易港區結合,形成「境內關外」的特殊行政區,區內最大特色在於進駐廠商可進行貨物深層加值、引進商務活動、資金流通自由、享有稅賦優惠等活動,因此大幅提高傳統轉運中心所能帶給廠商的附加價值,除此之外,由於中國大陸的崛起以及全球化的磁吸效應,使得各國企業也加速海外佈局的腳步,對於全球運籌中心的需求將有增無減,因此目前包括上海浦東、香港、新加坡、曼谷、馬來西亞等各地政府均相當積極地提供相關投資誘因,以期在激烈的運籌中心競賽中脫穎而出。因此,台灣如何在強敵環伺中,尋求出自己獨特的定位與利基,創造出台灣另一個奇蹟,實乃當前刻不容緩之議題。   本研究以軸輻式網路系統(Hub-and-Spoken Network System)為理論基礎架構,並彙整國內外學者針對運籌中心(Hub)成功關鍵因素的研究,進一步發展為本研究衡量東亞七大航空貨運兼自由貿易港區之競爭力指標,以進行各空港區經營績效分析與比較,再依據此比較結果篩選出與我國最直接核心競爭空港區以進行更深入競爭策略探討,最後提出我國空港區應採行策略及可能作法以及對未來研究相關領域學者之建議。   而根據本研究所發展出的運籌中心三階段競爭策略模型可知,我國目前首要目標應是塑造一個有利於廠商利用我國空港區的環境,以增進我國機場貨運量,既而提升航線幅射度及航班班次,而於此同時,我國也需要更密集且廣泛有系統地培養物流人才,並建立專業認證制度,以適時轉型為服務提供者,使我國轉運中心價值能遠大於其他競爭者。


With the expansion of East Asian trade territory and the increasing needs for the firms to transport between international countries, East Asian governments not only build or expand their airports but combine the port hinterlands to create the large-scale air-cargo parks, which provide more value-added functions than the traditional hubs. In addition, China and the influence of globalization have contributed the global companies to adopt more flexible business models and lift up the demands for the global hubs. Thus, all the countries, including Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok and Senai, offer numerous attractive incentives for the would-be investors to allow their airports to become the global logistics hub. As for Taiwan, the question about how to single itself out among this keen global logistics hub competition and how to create the other miracle is becoming a more critical issue than before. The study develops a hub-competitiveness evaluation model based on Hub-and-Spoken Network System, literature reviews and interviews to compare the performances among East Asian Air-cargo Parks. According to this result, the research selects four Air-cargo Parks, the core competitors to Taiwan, to analyze their competitive strategies in detail and then provides some suggestions and solutions for Taiwan Air-cargo Park and the scholars. According to the conclusion from this research, the foremost objective for Taiwan Air-cargo Park is to foster an open and investment-oriented environment because it will boost up the volume of air freight and persuade airlines and regulators to negotiate more air routes; at the same time, the air-cargo hub of Taiwan has to devote itself creating much more values than the others through a series of systematic human-development methods.


1.Aykin, T. (1994), “Lagrangian Relaxation Based Approaches to Capacitated Hub-and-Spoke Network Design Problem,” European Journal of Operatinal Research, Vol. 79, pp. 501-523.
2.Bailey, E. F., D. R. Graham, and D. P. Kaplan (1985), Deregulating the Airlines, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.


