  • 學位論文


Research on PRC’s public warfare toward Taiwan in Hu Jintao period

指導教授 : 翁明賢


中共在兩次美伊戰爭中,藉由美國的參戰經驗獲得重視「輿論戰、心理戰、法律戰」的重大啟示,並於2003年將三戰明確列入戰時政治工作的主要內容。透過輿論的塑造、引導,以不同的形式、載體、媒介傳達至敵方陣營,造成動搖軍心、混搖其領導人物對情勢做出錯誤的判斷、對其全國軍民造成影響力極大的心理壓力等諸多有利於己方的態勢,包括使用語言、文字、遊說、歌謠等方式進行,因此,輿論戰甚早即已被應用至戰爭中,運用時機則不論於平時、戰時、或是戰爭前後,皆受到廣泛的應用,而隨著傳播科技的進步,媒體對於閱聽受眾所能形成的傳播效果隨之提升,輿論戰所能發揮的影響力也更形擴大。 本論文研究重點在於探討胡錦濤時期中共對台輿論戰,以傳播理論的角度理解輿論戰的效用,藉中共歷屆領導人的宣傳思想,歸納中共輿論戰的脈絡軌跡,透過胡錦濤的和諧外交思維,結合中共全面掌握的中國新聞傳播體制,瞭解胡錦濤時期中國輿論戰的決策、運作機制;本研究在政治、經濟、社會領域各舉出反分裂國家法、大陸開放台灣水果登陸以及雄貓贈台等三個案例,以探討胡錦濤時期中共對台輿論戰的實際作為,結合傳播理論、中國對台政策,進一步瞭解中國對台輿論戰的特色,以及台灣可能的因應措施。 研究發現,中共對台輿論戰以柔性訴求的軟性議題為主,對台政策明顯由虛轉實,由江澤民時期文攻武嚇至胡錦濤時期則轉為釋放諸多利益政策,在熊貓贈台以及台灣水果登陸兩案例上,皆令其目標對象獲得實質上的利益,取得台灣人民的認同及好感,中共並藉由台灣部分親中媒體掌握台灣主流民意,而在對台輿論戰中取得優勢地位。對此,台灣政府需研擬反輿論戰方針,對外方面聯合友我媒體,釋放正確訊息,爭取國際社會對台灣問題的認識及支持;對內則教育人民釐清事實,揭發隱藏於利益之後的意識型態及弊病,避免人民蒙受更大損失;並要呼籲媒體自律,對於中共所釋出的善意及優惠議題應有所警覺,凝聚台灣人民一致對外的危機意識,以對抗中共愈趨柔軟的對台輿論操作。


三戰 輿論戰 宣傳 傳播理論 反分裂法


China noticed the public opinion warfare, psychological warfare and legal war were impartment form the two Iraq Wars. “Three Wars” become the main contents of China politics work. The public opinion made from different form, media and transmitted to the enemy. The ways of performance include using language, words, persuasion, ballads. The public opinion will confuse the enemy leader to make the wrong decision and to become a huge psychology pressure to its nation-wide. Therefore, the public opinion warfare formerly applied in war. The progress of communication technology increases the effect of media and also expands the efficacy of the public opinion warfare. The thesis mainly research in discuss China’s public opinion warfare toward Taiwan in the Hu Jintao period. To interpret the efficacy of public opinion warfare by communication theories and to generalize the history of China’s public opinion warfare form previously leader’s propaganda thought. Combining Hu’s diplomacy thought and China’s news communication system, find out about the decision and operation mechanism of the Chinese public opinion warfare, in Hu Jintao period. The study selects three cases to demonstrate the reality application of China’s public opinion warfare. The three cases are panda issue, China allow importing Taiwan’s fruit and Anti-Secession Law. Combining communication theories and Taiwan policy to understand the feature of China’s public warfare toward Taiwan and to propose the possible resistance measures form Taiwan. Soft issue is the main content is China’s public opinion warfare. China obtain approval and appreciation form partial Taiwanese by releasing benefits policy. Furthermore, China influences the main stream public opinion of Taiwan through partial Taiwanese media and hence China gets an advantageous position in the public opinion warfare of cross-Strait relations. Taiwan government needs to make a tactic to against the public opinion warfare from China. Such as to unite the friendly international media to release the correct message, to educate people know the truth by exposing the ideology and defect which hind the profit policy. Taiwanese media need self-command and keep warning to face the benefit policy issues which from China. The crisis conscious of Taiwanese need to be assemble to against the public opinion warfare which start from China.


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林明萱(2012)。胡錦濤時期中共之宣傳政策(2003-2008)- 張藝謀個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.10615
