  • 學位論文


General Education Course Structure and Review System:A Case Study of An University

指導教授 : 游家政


本研究為探討案例學校之通識教育課程架構與審查機制,研究目的如下:第一,探討案例學校通識教育課程架構的特色與問題。第二,探討案例學校通識教育課程審查機制的特色與問題。第三,歸納研究發現,提供案例學校通識教育修改之方案。本研究對象為案例學校之A校區,使用之研究方法為文件分析、訪談法與焦點座談,藉由文件資料之蒐集,個案學校之參訪,與焦點座談之互動,進行研究。研究結果發現歸納如下: 一、通識課程架構之發現與建議: 1、通識教育課程架構中,各知識領域分配比例不均,建議依據知識領域重新分類。 2、十五個通識教育學門部分重疊性高,建議整併重疊性高的學門,重新規劃符合通識教育性質之學門。 3、「核心」課程之科目與學分數過多,請依據通識教育目標調整「核心」課程的科目與學分數。 4、通識教育課程之修課學分數為31學分,必修佔17學分,比例過重,建議減少必修學分,增加選修學門學分之比例。 二、審查機制之發現與建議: 1、新、舊課程之審查程序不一,建議將審查程序做統一規範。 2、通識課程之開課審查未確實運作,須落實通識教育課程之開課審查程序。 3、通識教育課程之開課數與時段,無法滿足學生選課之需求,建議增加通識課程之開課時段與班級數,滿足學生選課需求。 4、通識行政單位原為二級單位,無法確實管理,發揮其功能,建議提升通識行政單位為一級單位,落實通識課程的規劃、實施與管理。 5、各層級課程委員會未確實發揮課程審查功能,使通識課程架構產生許多問題,建議案例學校須落實各層級課程委員會的審查功能。


This study focuses on Taiwan’s “general education” curriculum as used in a particular university’s primary campus. The structure of the general education curriculum, and review processes applied to it are carefully analyzed. There are three purposes for this research: (1) to discuss the special features and problems observed in this example school’s general education curriculum structure, (2) to discuss the special features and problems observed in this example school’s general education curriculum review processes, and (3) to analyze and discuss the observed features of the curriculum structure and review process, and suggest possible steps for improvement. This research project uses document analysis, interviews, and focus groups to collect data. Comparisons to other universities were also made by visiting other schools, and meeting with their administrators. In terms of the curriculum framework for “general education,” several findings led to the following recommendations. First, since there seems to be an uneven mix of different academic fields in the general education curriculum, the curriculum should be restructured around like fields of study. In this way the general education curriculum will have a more balanced framework. Second, since many courses contain similar content, the course contents should be analyzed and recombined into more logical units with less repetition. Third, the “core curriculum” component comprises a large fraction of the general education curriculum, therefore it is recommended that in accordance with the goals of the general education curriculum “the core curriculum” component should be adjusted, and the number of required “core curriculum” credits should be reduced. Finally, the total number of general education curriculum credits required for each student to complete is 31, and of these 17 are required courses. The number of required courses should be reduced so that students may pursue a larger proportion of electives within the general education curriculum. In terms of the general education curriculum review processes, the following suggestions emerged. First, different processes are followed to review new and old elements of the general education curriculum; one unified curriculum review process should be applied to new and old courses alike. Second, the review process for opening of new courses does not follow a clearly delineated process; therefore, a systematic process should be adopted for reviewing new courses to be opened. Third, it was observed that not enough general education courses are being offered, therefore more time should be given for students to select their general education courses, and more courses should be offered. Fourth, the general education office has been a second-level office, resulting in problems related to management and implementation, therefore, it is recommended that the general education office be elevate to a first-level office in order to carry out the general education curriculum’s planned procedures, and achieve its goals. Finally, many problems observed in the general education curriculum framework made it difficult for the responsible parties to accurately review course effectiveness. However, in order to improve the curriculum framework, better review process must be adopted and followed.


