  • 學位論文


Personality traits, job satisfaction and the organizational commitment research

指導教授 : 王河星


高科技產業一直都是推升我國經濟發展的核心產業,其具備資本、技術與人才密集的產業特性,故高素質的勞動力已成為產業競爭的重要因素。由於提昇員工工作滿意度,可直接地提升內部服務品質,而創造內部顧客(公司員工)的整體工作滿意,進而影響員工留任於組織的承諾,故了解員工對整體的工作環境是否感到滿意及員工之需要,並改善工作環境及有效管理人力是現今企業管理階層必須重視之課題。 本研究以人格特質及工作滿意度兩個向度,來了解員工對組織承諾之關聯性。並進一步探討人格特質、工作滿意度與組織承諾三者的相互影響關係。由於個人屬性影響個人內外在行為與態度,故本研究的評估過程將性別、年齡、教育程序、婚姻狀況及服務年資等個人屬性納入,有助於對工作滿意度及組織承諾進行推論。研究採問卷調查方式,以T公司作為研究樣本,共計發放200份問卷,有效問卷177份,回收率為88.5%。透過五人人格特質量表、工作說明量表及組織承諾量表以實證本研究之假設。經運用多元迴歸分析、變異數分析等進行對各假設之驗證,結果顯示:(1)對高科技員工而言,人格特質對於工作滿意度具有顯著的影響關係。(2) 人格特質對於組織承諾具有顯著的影響關係。(3)工作滿意度對於組織承諾具有顯著性的影響關係,亦即工作滿意意度愈高,對於組織承諾的認知也會愈高。(4)年齡、教育程度、性別與年齡、教育程度與婚姻於人格特質有顯著差異。(5)婚姻、年齡、教育程度、職務層級、年資、性別與年齡、教育程度與婚姻、職務層級與年資於工作滿意度有顯著差異。(6)年齡、教育程度、 職務層級、年資、性別與年齡、教育程度與婚姻、職務層級與年資於組織承諾有顯著差異。


The high-tech industry always is pushing up the core industries of our country economy development, and with capital, technology and talent-intensive industrial characteristics. Therefore, high-quality labor force has become an important factor in industrial competitiveness. Due to improve employee job satisfaction can directly to improve internal service quality. And create internal customers (employees) of the overall job satisfaction, thereby affecting the organization's commitment to employee retention. Therefore, to understand the overall working environment for employees satisfied, the needs of the staff, improve the working environment and effective management of human, is the current business management must pay attention to the issue. The purpose of this study was to investigate the two dimensions, personality trait and job satisfaction, and the relationship between organization commitment, and to further explore the relationship between the interaction of personality trait, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. As the personal attributes affect within and outside individual behavior and attitudes. Therefore, in this study, the assessment process will be included in gender, age, education level, marital status, and years of service and other personal property. That will contribute to job satisfaction and organizational commitment to inference. The major research tool used for this study was structural questionnaire targeting the Taiwan’s Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. A total of 200 samples, 177 valid samples were acquired for this study and a recovery rate of 88.5%. We investigate by the Big Five personality test, job descriptive index and organization commitment scale. Adopting multiple regression method and analysis of variance to verify the hypothesis of this study, The research result shows that as to personality trait, it has significant influence on job satisfaction; (2) personality trait has significant influence on organization commitment; (3) job satisfaction has significant positive influence on organization commitment; (4) age, education level, sex and age, and education level and marital status have significant difference in personality trait; (5) marital status, age, education level, job level, years of service, sex and age, and education level and marital status, and job level and years of service have significant difference in job satisfaction; (6) edg, education level, job level, years of service, sex and age, and education level and marital status, and job level and years of service have significant difference in organization commitment.


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